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Fake Mass famine in Mykolaiv

Russian media write about it. Allegedly, there is a critical humanitarian situation in Mykolaiv, there is nothing to eat and drink, people live without electricity and heating.

The humanitarian situation in Mykolaiv, like in many other cities in Ukraine, is difficult, but not critical, as pro-Kremlin media mouthpieces claim.

It is precisely because of the daily rocket attacks on Mykolaiv and the attacks of Russians on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine that is the root cause why in Mykolaiv, as in other Ukrainian cities, interruptions in energy, heat and water supply caused to the civilian population.

However, all over Ukraine, including Mykolaiv, “Points of invincibility” have been deployed, where you can warm up, charge your gadgets, and receive medical and humanitarian assistance. Mykolaiv is supplied with all necessary food products, essential goods, and medicines. There are many grocery stores in the city.

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