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Fake Josep Borrell does not expect the approval of a new package of sanctions

Such messages are circulated on social networks and propaganda media. They say that the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Political Security does not expect the adoption of a new package of sanctions. Like, Borrell, accordingly, does not want his approval. However, this is not true.

According to the fact-checker of the StopFake project, Borrell said earlier that, in his opinion, the next package of sanctions against Russia could be approved “in a few days”, which happened as a result. That is, even before the EU summit, Josep Borrell, on the contrary, expressed the hope that the ninth package of sanctions against Russia would soon be approved. In addition, he never said that he did not expect the adoption of the next package of sanctions.

Propagandists are spreading this fake to nourish the narrative of allegedly unfairly imposed sanctions on Russia, and that some high-ranking officials refuse to participate in the adoption of the new package.

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