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Disclosure Fraudsters lure Ukrainians under the pretext of payments from the EU

In the Ukrainian segment of Facebook, reports are circulating that the European Union has allegedly allocated $600 million to help Ukrainians during the winter. Like, every Ukrainian and every Ukrainian woman will receive a payment, which is 13,280 hryvnia. As proof, netizens are attaching a likely screenshot from the “Diia” (Action) app showing the cash aid application process. However, in reality, there are no such payments for Ukrainians.

According to Voxcheck specialists, there is no mention of individual payments to people from the EU in official sources. In addition, applications for assistance from international organizations are accepted through the “YePidtrymka” (“Support”) program or in certain banks.

By spreading such messages, scammers are trying to gain an audience on their channels, because the mailing method is beneficial for community administrators in social networks in order to increase activity and the number of comments in their chats and under messages.

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