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Message It is impossible to rejoice, post photos from cafes or vacations during war.

This thesis is actively disseminated in the Ukrainian segment of social networks, convincing users to give up all leisure and joy. This topic often becomes the subject of quarrels and accusations, which only serves Russia's plans. Its goal is to divide Ukrainians among themselves in order to undermine the situation inside the country, redirect aggression from Russians, and demobilize the society that has united against the aggressor. By the way, Russian propaganda also spread the theses about "bad refugees from Ukraine" for a similar purpose. A military psychologist and expert in the field of information and psychological operations Oleg Pokalchuk explained that you can and should laugh and rejoice during war.

In fact, when you spend your leisure time outside your own homes - it has a double positive impact: first, you unload and help your mental health; second, you support the country's economy when you go to a cafe, for example. So do not give in to Russian provocations, because any mutual accusations and quarrels only play to the advantage of the occupants. Of course, Ukrainians who are relatively safe or abroad should not forget that other citizens, especially those close to the war zone, may be sensitive to certain content. However, propagandists play on Ukrainians' feelings of guilt in the so-called home front. Why Ukrainians should get rid of the "survivor" syndrome read here.

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