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Fake Israel banned the use of the Ukrainian flag

Pro-Russian media and social media users are spreading information that Israel has allegedly banned the use of the Ukrainian flag at the legislative level. Like, for placing on cars, clothes, in the form of a tattoo or any other arbitrary images of the Ukrainian flag one will get a fine of ten thousand shekels equal to about three thousand dollars. It's fake.

In fact, there is no ban on the use of the Ukrainian flag or any other Ukrainian symbols in Israel. StopFake fact-checkers checked the legislation and found no confirmation of such reports there. The fact-checkers also sent a request to the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine for a comment. The Embassy assured that Israel has never prohibited and does not prohibit the demonstration of the Ukrainian flag.

Thus, Russian propaganda nourishes the narratives that Ukraine is losing international support. Earlier, they spread fakes that Ukrainian flags were banned from being used in a refugee center in Spain. They also wrote that allegedly Twitter restricts the use of the Ukrainian flag in the names of profiles.

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