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Fake In Ukraine, they are looking for “mentors on tolerance for the front”

Propagandists in anonymous telegram channels, where they spread pro-Russian rhetoric, claim that one of the job search sites has a vacancy for a “mentor on tolerance for the front”. They say that among the requirements for candidates there are “an active sex life” and “the absence of sexually transmitted diseases”, and the list of duties includes such positions as “to detect hidden gays, conduct psychological work with them” and “for those who want to do physical exercises to strengthen the anal sphincter”. It's fake.

It is not possible to find this listing in an internet search. In addition, it was refuted by Yar Birzul, co-founder of the Kolo UA Foundation, where they were allegedly looking for a “mentor” according to the “advertisement”. In his tweet, he wrote that they are not looking for “mentors on tolerance for the front” in the Foundation. In the “advert” one can find a number of sentences pointing to harmful stereotypes about the LGBTQ+ community. For example, one of the tasks for “positions” should be “prevention of the spread of HIV infection and AIDS”. Such claims are discriminatory as they support false information about LGBTQ+ people as allegedly the main carriers of the aforementioned diseases, even though statistics prove the opposite.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to reinforce harmful stereotypes about the LGBTQ+ community and once again show that in exchange for the help of Western partners, they allegedly force Ukraine to “betray traditional values”. All this is part of Russia's large-scale disinformation campaign against the LGBTQ+ community, which Detector Media has already written about.

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