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Message In Ukraine, there are no independent media

Russian and pro-Russian resources write about this. Like, even the International federation of journalists (IFJ) stated that there are no free media in Ukraine, because they actually came under the control of the authorities.

In fact, the International Federation of Journalists has not made such a statement. IFJ representatives called on the Ukrainian authorities to review the new legislation and start a broad and inclusive dialogue with journalistic unions and the media sector to improve it. That is, the IFJ drew attention to the possible risks to freedom of speech in the context of this law.

Russian propaganda systematically spreads messages about censorship in the Ukrainian information space. They also argued that the new media law introduces a “total” dictatorship of the state in the information space. Thus, the propagandists are trying to discredit the Ukrainian media and increase the audience for pro-Russian influence. More details.

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“Detector Media” resumes the work of our Community and invites those who believe that the media should be better: more professional, truthful and transparent.
