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Fake In the news of the American TV channel they ridiculed Zelenskyi

A video allegedly from the news program of an American TV channel is being distributed on social networks. On it, the hosts talk about “a puppy from Ohio who got the attention of the whole country”. Against the background of their conversation, there is a story about the trip of Volodymyr Zelenskyi to the UK. In the comments, social media users write that Zelenskyi is openly ridiculed already on American television. This video is fake.

A video montage of a news story with a video recording of Volodymyr Zelenskyi is being distributed on social networks. According to the fact-checkers of MythDetector, in this video, the hosts of the KCCI TV channel talk about a puppy that signaled to its owner from the car. It went viral on social media in February 2017. The propagandists intentionally edited it with a video recording of the President of Ukraine.

Thus, Russian propaganda uses the tactics of ridicule to discredit the President of Ukraine. Previously, propagandists spread messages about fake graffiti with Zelenskyi in public places, fake magazine covers, etc.

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