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Manipulation In the Kyiv region, civilians are not allowed into their own apartments because the Armed Forces have settled there

Russian propagandist Vladimir Solovyov, the Russian particular services-controlled telegram channel NachShtabu, and other pro-Kremlin media outlets reported that civilians were allegedly not allowed into their apartments in the village of Lyutizh in the Kyiv region because military personnel had settled there. However, according to NotaYenota, they call the village of Lyutizh - “Lyutezh,” and there is no such settlement in Ukraine. Along with these manipulative theses, Russian propaganda is also distributing videos.

There was a recreation center in the village of Lyutizh, where the Renaissance Spiritual Center, headed by Volodymyr Muntyan, a self-proclaimed Protestant and the 13th Apostle, holds its meetings. According to the NotaYenota project, this recreation center was transferred to the defenders of Ukraine for use. So in this video, civilians are not trying to get to their apartments, but representatives of the "Renaissance" are holding rallies. "Currently, rallies are being held around the base from sectarians of Renaissance Spiritual Center - this thesis actively posted on his social networks “Apostle” Volodymyr Muntyan and propaganda trash are picked up this thesis in their “news.” On his page, there are dozens of video appeals from the "parishioners" of the church, which tell either about the Armed Forces or about those disguised in the uniform of the Armed Forces, that there is looting, and so on. There is no evidence other than emotions in the video of the sectarians. As a result, the information on the video is completely distorted. "Renaissance sectarians are provoking the military," the fact-checkers said.

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