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Fake In Odesa, three Territorial center of procurement and social support workers were allegedly found dead

Information is being spread online that three Territorial center of procurement and social support representatives were found dead in Odesa. First, they allegedly beat a civilian man and dragged him into a car. However, later, when the man came to his senses, he allegedly killed the servicemen. However, this is fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to this case. They found out that the original source of this information systematically spreads fake news about Ukraine and does not provide any evidence for its theses. Reputable Ukrainian or Western media do not have information about the three dead Territorial center of procurement and social support workers. There is also no such information on the website and social networks of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Odesa region and on the page of the Odesa Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The original source claims that this “news” was allegedly shared with him by a subscriber whose relative works in the police, but he does not provide any details that can confirm the veracity of these words. Ukrainian media or law enforcement agencies. However, there is information that in May 2024, a resident of the Dnipropetrovsk region attempted to murder a Territorial center of procurement and social support employee. According to the investigation, representatives of the district Territorial center of procurement and social support stopped the suspect to check his documents in the city of Synelnykove. In response to this, the man suddenly pulled out a knife and wounded one of the servicemen. That is, this case was not hidden or kept silent. The media also informed the public that in the Cherkasy region unknown persons threw an explosive device into the yard of a Territorial center of procurement and social support employee, a sergeant of the Armed Forces. There was also a case in Chernivtsi, when a person liable for military service attacked and hit a representative of the Territorial center of procurement and social support, which provoked a retaliatory strike.

With this fake and others like it, Russian propaganda is trying to disrupt mobilization in Ukraine. More fakes on the topic of mobilization can be found here.

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