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Fake During Blinken's visit, Veterano Pizza allegedly removed a Nazi chevron and a photo of a burning trade union building in Odesa

The last visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to Kyiv took place on May 14-15, 2024. After a busy first day of meetings, Blinken, together with Dmytro Kuleba, visited the Veterano Pizza establishment, where, according to propagandists, allegedly before the visit of the US Secretary of State, they changed the photo of the trade union house in Odesa on fire in 2014 to a trident. And in the establishment itself there is a wall with chevrons, where the emblem of the Nazi SS Viking division is located.

However, in this case we are dealing with a photo fake. They write about this in the VoxCheck project. Since Veterano Pizza visitors most likely posted photos identifying the establishment, VoxCheck fact-checkers decided to review such posts on Instagram. For example, a photo of two men who were allegedly photographed in front of a burning trade union building in Odesa was edited. It was originally published on the navysportua Instagram page on December 14, 2021. On the wall behind the visitors it is noticeable that in place of the photo of the supposedly burning building there is actually a trident hanging on a black and red background.

We also edited the picture with the SS division chevron. The original photo was published in February 2018. There is no Nazi emblem on it - it was added by the authors of the fake in a photo editor.

Even at the beginning of a full-scale war, we refuted the information that Antony Blinken, during a visit to Lithuania, allegedly said that the Russian army is much superior to the Ukrainian one and is capable of “grinding” it.

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