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Manipulation In Germany, 40% of citizens believe that NATO provoked Russia into a war with Ukraine

The results of an alleged sociological survey among Germans about the war in Ukraine are being disseminated on social networks. 40% of respondents believe that NATO provoked Russia to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The reports also say that allegedly in April only 15% thought so. Like, there are signs that the Germans are tired of the war in Ukraine. This is manipulation.

According to “15min”, in fact, only 19% of those surveyed support such a statement. Another 21% partially agree with it, so it is incorrect to sum up these indicators. Such manipulation significantly distorts the results of the survey.

Russian propaganda systematically manipulates poll results or uses anonymous comments from individual social media users to represent public opinion. In particular, propagandists said that more than 70% of the Germans are against increasing military assistance to Ukraine, and in general, they support Russia.

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