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Fake In German restaurant, they launched an advertising campaign featuring Zelenskyi as a piggy bank

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say a German restaurant has launched an advertising campaign depicting Volodymyr Zelenskyi as a “piggy bank”. As evidence, the propagandists add a video supposedly advertising on the YouTube video hosting. In the video, you can also see the inscription: “We are tired of feeding this pig - it's time to cook Eisbein! [edit] meat dish of German cuisine]”. It is not true.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project investigated the case, and they asked the restaurant owner for a comment. A spokesperson for the restaurant assured that they did not run similar advertising campaigns on YouTube. Analysts explain that the video was published in the telegram channels of the Russian segment and there is no evidence that the advertisement was replicated on video hosting. They are sure that the video was edited using a special program.

In addition, the fact checker adds that such “advertising” most likely could not be moderated in Google Ads, since it is contrary to the company's advertising policy. The Google Ads website states that they check all ad elements for violations. If found, the status of the ad will change to “Rejected” and it will not be displayed. For example, they do not allow advertising of content that incites hatred, promotes discrimination or humiliates, insults, harasses an individual or group of individuals as in the case of “advertising” with the participation of Zelenskyi.

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