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Fake At one of the forums, a Ukrainian woman turned to correspondents with a question about a divorce from her military husband who was transfused with “blood of moskal”

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that allegedly a woman on one of the forums asks for advice regarding her husband, who returned from Russian captivity. The so-called request says that the man was given a blood transfusion, which means that now he has “moskal blood” (Russian blood), so the woman is thinking about a divorce. It's fake.

Specialists of the VoxCheck project got down to the case, investigated it and determined that it was a fictional story, and the screenshot was edited using a special program. As analysts explain, the author of the discussion himself denied the fake, reporting on the forum that someone took his post, changed the text, title and passed it off as a call from a Ukrainian woman for help.

Analysts also examined a fake screenshot, which shows that a user under the nickname SecretlyYours started the discussion on the forum on February 21, 2022 at 19:16. However, there is no discussion on this topic on the site, nor is it among the user's other publications. However, the author has a post for the same date and time and with the same number of comments as the post in the fake screenshot. However, the question in the original post is quite different.

By spreading such a fake, the propagandists nourish the narrative of Nazi Ukrainians who supposedly recognize only so-called “purebred Ukrainians” and despise everyone else.

We recall that Detector Media previously refuted the fake, which said that Ukraine prohibits all foreign citizens from becoming blood donors.

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