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Fake In “Bohdanka”, the Polish coal mine, they found a burial ground with the bodies of soldiers who fought in Ukraine

Such information was disseminated in social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that in the Polish coal mine “Bohdanka”, which is located 40 km from the border with Ukraine, a “burial ground” with five hundred bodies of military men was allegedly found. These bodies, according to the authors of the messages, allegedly belong to the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and “foreign mercenaries” who participated in the war on the side of Ukraine. It is not true.

Analysts of the StopFake project drew attention to this case and determined that the information is not true. Analysts are sure that this is another conspiracy theory from Russian propaganda. The information was also denied by the representative of the mine “Bohdanka” Ian Matysik. The representative of the company said that the information shared online is a fake. He also noted that “there are no military operations in the immediate vicinity of “Bohdanka”, as well as on the territory of the Republic of Poland”. Consequently, there is no so-called burial ground.

By spreading this fake, propagandists want to distort reality and show that Ukraine is constantly losing and trying to hide the victims in every possible way. In addition, Russian propaganda has repeatedly spread manipulations about so-called foreign mercenaries in Ukraine. Thus, propaganda substitutes the concept, calling the foreign legion “mercenaries” and at the same time wants to create the appearance that Russia is really at war not with Ukraine, but with the so-called “collective West”.

We recall that earlier Detector Media explained the message in which they claimed that only the foreign legion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine uses foreign equipment on the battlefield.

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