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Fake In Belarus, the leader of the Wagner group Pryhozhyn was arrested and handed over to NATO

On Facebook, on the page of the educational and documentary channel, a video was circulated in which they say that the leader of the Wagner group, Yevhenii Pryhozhyn, was arrested in Belarus. Allegedly, President of Belarus Oleksandr Lukashenko ordered the arrest of Pryhozhyn and handed him over to NATO. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the Check Your Fact project. Mercenaries of the Wagner group are in Belarus and train the Belarusian military, and Lukashenko did not give the order to arrest the leader Pryhozhyn. Neither NATO nor the Belarusian Foreign Ministry confirmed that Pryhozhyn was arrested and handed over to NATO.

The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) noted on August 10 that Wagner continues its presence at facilities in Belarus, and, according to rumors, the status of its withdrawal to Russia remains unclear.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to convince the whole world that there is a conflict between Lukashenko, Putin and Pryhozhyn, and it was the Russians who were bleached as if they were not involved in the war. Earlier, we refuted the fake that the US Secretary of State welcomed Pryhozhyn with the capture of Bakhmut.

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