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Fake Hungarians living in Ukraine ask Budapest to “protect them from Ukrainian genocide”

This message appeared in the Russian propaganda media. According to it, the Hungarians not only asked to be protected from the Ukrainian genocide, but also seemed to have begun preparations for a referendum for the annexation of certain regions of Ukraine to Hungary. With a request to create Carpathian Rus in the west of Ukraine, the Transcarpathian Rusyns and Petro Hetsko, the head of the international center “Matytsia of the Rusyns”, allegedly turned to Moscow. It's fake.

As StopFake analysts note, the Russian news itself does not talk about Hungarians, but about Rusyns. Also, these statements are fake, because they were made by Petro Hetsko, the head of the international center “Matytsia of the Rusyns”, who does not represent the interests of the Rusyns in Ukraine, has been in Russia since 2014 and has been put on the international wanted list. In 2019, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison because he campaigned for changing the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Thus, propagandists are trying to spread the opinion that Ukraine will disintegrate in the near future, and its territories will be taken over by Western countries. Earlier, Detector Media wrote about a fake spread by Russian officials that Poland would soon take over the west part of Ukraine.

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