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Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: the theory of the “Ukrainian deepstate”

Russian propaganda is spreading a new conspiracy theory, which can be called the “Ukrainian deepstate theory”. It is built on the misconception that in Ukraine there is a hidden conflict between the military and political leadership, which allegedly undermines the unity of the state. This theory is based on a distorted and inverted view of the original deep state theory, which describes a secret, invisible force or group of influence that governs a country in defiance of the official government, taking into account not national, but exclusively hidden personal interests.

According to a new theory, there is a hidden power struggle in Ukraine between President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, military leaders such as Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Oleksandr Syrskyi and other influential figures, in particular Kyrylo Budanov. Russian propagandists claim that these figures are allegedly acting against the interests of the state, engaging in intrigue and preparing secret plans that will lead to the political collapse of the country.

In fact, there is no basis for the existence of such a conspiracy. Ukrainian military and political leadership operates in close coordination. Conspiracy theories like the “Ukrainian deepstate” have no basis in reality and are part of a broader Russian disinformation campaign. The theory of the “Ukrainian deepstate” is nothing more than an attempt by Russian propaganda to transfer a Western concept to Ukrainian realities in order to sow distrust among citizens and international partners of Ukraine.

Russian propaganda is trying to create the illusion that Ukraine is supposedly torn by internal conflicts and intrigues, which makes it weak and vulnerable, unlike Russia, where there should supposedly be no contradictions among political figures. Such messages are aimed at undermining faith in the ability of the Ukrainian leadership to effectively combat Russian aggression and ensure security and stability in the country, putting a false sign between dictatorship and stability.

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