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Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: the theory of “cultural attrition of Russia”

Conspiracy theorists and propagandists using this theory argue that the Ukrainian government is deliberately erasing the Russian language and culture from public life, education and the media, and therefore infringes on its speakers and creates a reason for Russia to protect them on the territory of Ukraine. They say that Ukraine is allegedly being pushed to do this by the West, which is using it as an instrument of its hybrid war against Russia.

One of the triggers for this theory is the issue of language. Legislative initiatives, such as the Language Law, which requires the use of Ukrainian in educational institutions, government agencies and the media, are considered by supporters of this theory as oppression of the Russian-speaking population. The closure or reformatting of Russian-language schools is also perceived.

Changes in school textbooks, which focus on the glorification of Ukrainian national heroes and emphasize the negative aspects of the joint history with Russia, are seen as a way of artificially creating an anti-Russian narrative. Conspiracy theorists also provide confirmation of their arguments by the fact that Russian literature and history are excluded from educational curricula. The introduction of restrictions on the broadcasting of Russian television channels and radio stations, as well as the ban on Russian books and films, has the same reaction. They say this proves that Ukraine is not a democratic and European country. All these elements are the main components of this theory.

Russian propaganda actively uses this theory to strengthen anti-Ukrainian sentiments both within the country and in the international arena, carrying out the replacement of concepts and using tactics of reflection, since it was Russia for centuries that tried to erase Ukrainian culture and show it as inferior. The Ukrainian government is portrayed as exclusively nationalistic and persecuting Russian-speaking citizens and suppressing their rights. In view of this, Russia presents itself as a defender of the Russian-speaking population, both in Ukraine and in other countries in the region, justifying its aggressive policies.

The spread of false information about linguistic and cultural repression within Ukraine is also aimed at causing the international community to question the legitimacy of the Ukrainian government's actions. To do this, Russia uses international platforms and media in an attempt to influence public opinion and reduce the level of support for Ukraine abroad.

The use of the theory of “cultural attrition” is also necessary to mobilize public support within Russia, emphasizing the need to protect the “brotherly people”. By portraying Ukraine's policies as dictated by the West, propaganda attempts to stoke anti-Western sentiment and fears of loss of cultural identity.

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