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Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: “The hunt for the wrong leaders”

Russian propagandists are actively spreading a conspiracy theory according to which the West is allegedly conducting a secret operation to destroy world leaders who do not support Western policies and oppose “globalist interests”. Proponents of this theory believe that the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and the helicopter crash carrying Iranian leader Ibrahim Raisi may be interconnected and part of a broader Western plan. Detector Media has already looked at this case in more detail.

Conspiracy theorists focus on “target identification”. They say the attempts against them are politically motivated. In particular, Fico does not support Western political interests, especially in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine. Ibrahim Raise had an open anti-Western position. Proponents of the theory also refer to “precedents” that allegedly indicate that the West has been using such methods for a long time. For example, they recall the case of Imran Khan, the Pakistani prime minister who visited Russia after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and is now in prison with his wife. Shinzo Abe, the former Japanese prime minister, was also allegedly killed precisely because he tried to improve relations with Russia. Although in fact the investigation found that Abe was killed for his support of religious sects.

Raisi's helicopter made a hard emergency landing. It was caused by heavy fog, but even propagandists explain the unfavorable weather conditions as politics. But the man who attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister of Slovakia could be associated with the pro-Russian paramilitary group Slovenskí Branci, which does not really agree with the Russian version of the “Ukrainian trace”.

This conspiracy theory is connected with the theory of the new world order, according to which the war in Ukraine is supposedly not the actions of Russia, but a plan of the globalists. Using a combination of these, Russia wants to deepen its population's mistrust of the West, justify its actions and make Western support for Ukraine toxic and dangerous. Like, if you don’t do everything the States tell you, your leader will be killed. This situation is an example of how propagandists use conspiracy theories to explain current events.

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