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Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: “Eurabia”

Russian propagandists are actively spreading the conspiracy theory “Eurabia” (Europe + Arabia), according to which the mass migration of Muslims to European countries will allegedly lead to gradual Islamization and the loss of European culture, identity and political independence. The theory arose at the intersection of anti-immigrant and Islamophobic sentiments, and is also popular among far-right groups and used as a political tool.

Conspiracy theorists claim that there is a deliberate plan to increase the number of Muslim immigrants in Europe to displace the indigenous population. They accuse European politicians and the media of promoting Muslim immigration under the guise of political correctness, multiculturalism and human rights. Proponents of the theory fear that the growth of the Muslim population will lead to the disappearance of European traditions, cultural norms and Christian values. Conspiracy theorists also play on fears of the introduction of a replacement of the secular system of law with Sharia (rules of Muslim law, religious and ritual guidelines) and the strengthening of the political influence of Muslim communities, which, in their opinion, could lead to the loss of democratic freedoms and rights.

This conspiracy theory is based on inciting hatred, xenophobia and Islamophobia. Scientific research and demographic data do not support predictions about the rapid Islamization of Europe. This conspiracy theory contradicts the idea of multiculturalism and the inherent tolerance of cultural diversity in the European value system. In addition, allegations of a deliberate plan for “Islamization” have no factual evidence, but are based on false beliefs and stereotypes.

Russia and its propaganda use this theory to justify its aggression against Ukraine and show its “superiority” over the West. They say that Russia is proactive and really wants to “protect” Europe from the Muslim invasion. One of the indicators of Russia’s professing of this theory is its increased support for European right-wing radical movements that are disseminating this theory in the political dimension.

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