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Сonspiracy theories How conspiracy theorists explain events in Ukraine and the world: conspiracy theories about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump

On July 15, 2024, an assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump. The incident occurred during his speech at one of his election rallies in Butler. The attacker opened fire, but Trump was evacuated in time and was not seriously injured. Propagandists took advantage of this information drive and began to massively disseminate a number of conspiracy theories on this topic.

Joe Biden's Order

Propagandists and members of Trump's team, in particular his vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance, claim that current US President Joe Biden allegedly ordered the assassination attempt on Trump in order to eliminate him as a political rival. They say that after the disastrous debate and a number of ensuing scandals, Biden and his team were left with no other options other than to physically eliminate Trump in the elections.

Supporters of this theory claim that Biden allegedly hinted at the need to eliminate Trump, including in the literal sense. They also accuse journalists of stirring up the atmosphere around the ex-president, which could become a trigger for the attacker. Conspiracy theorists also accuse Biden that the US Secret Service (the security detail assigned to every living US president, sitting or not) did not do enough to protect Trump or even personally have a hand in the incident after Biden directed it.

A number of US Democratic Party figures, including Biden himself and Barack Obama, condemned the attack. The current president said that the fight between him and Trump should take place exclusively within the framework of elections, and the use of violence against one of the candidates is unacceptable. He also promised to tighten security for Trump.

Ukraine is to blame for everything

Conspiracy theorists and Russian propagandists also began to spread the theory that Ukraine was involved in the assassination attempt on Trump. They say that Trump’s anti-Ukrainian rhetoric during the election campaign, and especially the situation around the aid package adopted by Congress, is a motive for this. Conspiracy theorists say: Ukraine has been resorting to such methods for a long time, so this would not be anything strange. As an example, they point to the fact that the Ukrainians allegedly blew up Nord Stream 2.

Deep State

According to this theory, the assassination attempt on Trump was organized by an invisible power structure within the US government (deep state), which wants to destroy Trump because of his anti-system policies. Detector Media previously wrote about this theory and its main messages, in which Trump is the main character.

Proponents of this theory exploit the current crisis of trust in government structures, partly related to the previous theory, since the “deep state” is also associated with the US Democratic Party.

Red Herring

There is also a theory that the assassination attempt was allegedly staged by Trump supporters or his team to divert attention from other political scandals surrounding him, particularly court cases, and also to give him a final advantage in the election campaign. Current opinion polls show that even after all the tension surrounding the Biden campaign, the gap between the candidates is minimal.

Russia uses these conspiracy theories to achieve several strategic goals. In particular, the spread of conspiracy theories contributes to increasing political division and mistrust between different groups of the population of the United States. With their help, Russians also undermine trust in democratic institutions and the electoral process as a whole. Spreading disinformation about other countries helps Russia divert the attention of its citizens from domestic economic and political problems. It also reinforces the illusion that Russia is still influencing the international agenda and advancing its geopolitical interests by weakening its main adversaries.

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