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Manipulation German parliament admits that Crimea cannot be returned to Ukraine

This thesis is extended by the pro-Kremlin media with reference to Sar Webknecht, a member of the German parliament. In his appeal he said that he considers it unrealistic to force Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine and says that if this is to be tried, the conflict will continue forever.

However, according to EU vs Disinfo analysts, the assertion that “the return of Crimea to Ukraine is impossible” is the opinion of a member of the German parliament, and not the agreed position of the Bundestag or the government, which has always supported UN and EU resolutions and actions condemning the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia.

Propagandists deliberately distort this thesis in order to once again promote the pro-Kremlin narrative about Crimea and direct it to the international community. Like, Crimea is no longer possible to return, even European countries recognize this.

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