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Disclosure Fraudsters offer Ukrainians to receive a “state fuel subsidy”

Information is being disseminated on social networks that due to the difficult energy situation in the country, the so-called “state fuel subsidy” is provided for Ukrainians with the assistance of the national network of WOG gas stations. To receive a subsidy, they say, you need to follow the link and take a short survey, followed by the opportunity to choose a prize, and then share the results with friends.

Fact-checkers of the “Brekhunets” (Liar) project checked the information and found that it was a scam. By clicking on the link, the fact of the checkers was transferred to a fake site that has nothing to do with the official WOG site. Subsequently, they offered to take a survey and choose a winning bundle, which contains a “state fuel subsidy” in the form of seven thousand hryvnias. Then you need to share with 20 friends to “receive” the reward.

The WOG official website also denied such information and published a warning about scammers who distribute fake pranks in instant messengers. At the same time, company employees note that the purpose of such actions is mainly to steal personal user data from social networks.

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