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Message France is an "accomplice of genocide" in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine

This message is spread by pro-Russian media. Allegedly, Ukraine is shelling Donbas with French self-propelled guns "Caesar", therefore France is complicit in "crimes" against the civilian population.

The fact-checkers of the EUvsDisinfo project drew attention to the message. Russian propaganda has been spreading the narrative that "Ukraine is shelling Donbas" since 2014. Agitprop baselessly called these actions genocide.

The atrocities of the Russian army in Ukraine have signs of genocide. Western countries are helping Ukraine resist the Russian invasion and supplying the necessary weapons. In particular, France provided the Armed Forces with 18 Caesar howitzers as part of military aid. It is also planned to deliver several additional units of this weapon (from 6 to 12). These self-propelled guns belong to the category of precision weapons, which limits collateral damage.

Earlier, propagandists spread fakes that the Ukrainians sold self-propelled howitzers "Caesar" to the Russians, and it turned out that they were allegedly not very effective weapons.

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