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Fake Fake video that American TV show hosts “laughed” at story about Ukrainian Armed Forces losses

A snippet of a story on the American channel KMAX 31 is being shared online. In it, the hosts of Good Day allegedly laughed after a report about the colossal losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

But this is a fake video. In the original story, the host laughed because of a mistake during the weather forecast. The fakers edited the video.

A search for the channel and show name revealed that the full name of the show is Good Day Sacramento. It is indeed broadcast on KMAX 31. If one checks the official Good Day Sacramento YouTube channel, one can find the same plot that the propagandists used for the fake video.

The original video was published back in December 2019. In it, the host laughs not at the supposedly colossal losses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, but at a slip of the tongue during the weather forecast. Instead of “visibility” (translated from English - the distance one can see as determined by weather conditions), she said “disability” (translated from English - incapacity for work).

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