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Fake Fake that Olena Zelenska called on Ukrainians to “be less Ukrainian”

The network is spreading words that the First Lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, allegedly said during the forum Ukraine 30. Healthy Ukraine in 2021: “Some Ukrainians are too Ukrainian. We need to become a little less Ukrainian, and then peace will come to society”.

However, in her speech during the forum Ukraine 30. Healthy Ukraine, Olena Zelenska did not say this. In particular, the First Lady spoke about the reform of the school nutrition system. And we could not find a mention of this quote during her other speeches. This quote was not distributed in Ukrainian or English in reliable media.

The first mention of the words can be found on the page of the user X with the nickname Mantelepa, the post was published back in June 2020, that is, before the forum. However, neither this nor the other posts had a video or link with a quote from Zelenska.

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