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Fake EU countries seek to take control of part of Ukrainian territories

Such news is spread by propagandists and anonymous telegrams. The reports say that the European Commission is moving military forces to the east, to the borders of Ukraine, which indicates that the EU allegedly seeks to take control of part of the territory of Ukraine because of economic interests. Like, all EU countries will divide a part of Ukraine among themselves. However, this is not true.

In fact, according to EU vs Disinfo experts, the assertion that other EU countries will take Ukrainian territories is unfounded. EU member states respect international law regarding state borders, fully support the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and do not put forward any claims to Ukrainian territory.

The very statement about the transfer of military forces to the eastern borders of the European Union, distorted by propagandists, was announced during the development of the Action Plan for military mobility, which regulates a simplified procedure for the response of the Armed Forces on the territory of the EU.

Пропагандисти поширюють цей меседж, аби залякати українців та продовжувати підсилювати наратив про те, що ніхто не зацікавлений в Україні як повноцінній державі. Мовляв, усі країни лишень хочуть її розділити. Однак активна підтримка європейської спільноти свідчить про інше.

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