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Fake Due to the intensive flow of Ukrainian refugees in Germany, there is an "acute shortage of teachers."

This information was disseminated by Russian media and Telegram channels with reference to the German edition of Die Welt. Ukrainians who seek asylum in Germany are not only putting a catastrophic strain on the education system, but are also “behaving arrogantly” and “not following the rules.” This is evidenced by the comments under the publication on the Die Welt website. Allegedly, in the comments under the publication they write that Ukrainians who seek asylum in Germany not only create a catastrophic burden on the education system, but also “behave boldly” and “do not follow the rules.”

In fact, propagandists have significantly distorted the meaning of the article in Die Welt "Good chances for the integration of Ukrainian children - but the lack of teachers becomes dangerous," Stop Fake fact-checkers report. The author of the material, Kevin Chulina, writes that Ukrainian children have every chance of successfully integrating into German society, but the lack of teachers that existed even before the war could become an obstacle in learning the German language.

According to Deutsche Welle, Germany has been experiencing a crisis in the educational system for more than 10 years, including a shortage of teachers.

In addition, Russian propaganda regularly uses the opportunity to influence judgments by presenting individual comments as a general opinion on some issue. In this case, the propagandists applied the same method. Under the publication of Die Welt, you can find individual comments that speak negatively about Ukrainian schoolchildren. However, these individual comments cannot be considered to reflect the true situation.

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