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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake At the airport of Stuttgart, posters urged not to transfer tanks to Ukraine

Some Russian media and pro-Russian telegram channels are spreading the photo allegedly from Stuttgart Airport in Germany. Reports say that posters appeared at the airport calling on the authorities not to transfer tanks to Ukraine. The posters allegedly say: “Let the leopards stay in Germany! Stop the robbery of the Bundeswehr!”. It is not true.

Poster images have been edited in photo editors. StopFake journalists received confirmation from the press service of Stuttgart airport. They said the monitor seen in the photo only broadcasts commercials or occasional messages to passengers about security checks or other operational changes.

Thus, Russian propaganda nourishes the narrative that foreign citizens do not support Ukraine. Propagandists are also trying to influence the situation with the supply of Leopard tanks, in respect of which Germany must make a decision in the near future. Earlier, Russian propaganda wrote that the transfer of Leopard tanks by Poland was a “theatrical performance” that would not affect anything. This allegedly seems to have even been recognized by Zelenskyi.

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