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Manipulation An "extremely cold" winter awaits Europe

The Russian media spread this forecast concerning the head of the Russian Gazprom, Oleksiy Miller. Speaking at the Russian Energy Week forum, Miller said that Gazprom predicts an abnormally cold winter for the heating period. It is manipulation.

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, Gazprom doesn't have a meteorological service, so they couldn't make their forecast of a freezing winter in Europe. Scientists also believe that long-term weather forecasts aren't reliable. It is impossible to say precisely what the weather will be like in a few weeks, as all long-term forecasts are based on probabilistic formulations. That is, it is possible to talk only about a certain probability of a cold winter and not to assert that this will be the case.

As the cold season approaches, Russia's energy blackmail of Europe is gaining momentum. However, it is mainly based on Russian manipulation and outright intimidation.

Propagandists also manipulate the topic of finding alternative sources of energy in Europe. In particular, propaganda spreads information that the Germans allegedly cut down almost all the trees in Berlin's central park for firewood. Europe supposedly has to rely only on Russian gas, and its underground storages are empty.

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