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Fake All Ukrainian men under 60 in Poland will be mobilized to participate in the war against Russia

The Government Security Center of the Republic of Poland has found a fake letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland with a request to provide information about all Ukrainian men under the age of 60 who are in Poland. According to the Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, this letter is supposed to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine mobilize them to participate in the war against Russia. The fake letter first appeared on the Russian news agency "Krasnaya Vesna" website on February 3, 2022. On June 17, the same fake was repeated by the DNR Joker telegram channel.

In this way, the enemy tries to obtain personal information about Ukrainians abroad for further information and psychological operations to reduce the general trust level in Ukraine.

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