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Fake A French studio released an animated series about Zelenskyi trying to escape with the partners’ money

The third episode of the Ukraine Inc. cartoon series about Volodymyr Zelenskyi was released by an allegedly French animation studio. The authors write that the cartoon shows the “strict everyday life” of Ukraine, and Zelenskyi sends the Ukrainians to the “meat grinder”. In the third episode, the president of Ukraine changes his face to ask for money from partners, and at the end of the series he tries to escape with this money. It's fake.

According to specialists from the Center for Countering Disinformation, it is impossible to find a mention of the French studio on the Internet, and news about the series is spread by the Kremlin propaganda media. Therefore, it follows from this that the Russians themselves created the animated series.

Russian propaganda uses ridicule tactics to create the illusion that the President of Ukraine is despised in Europe. Thus, propagandists are trying to manipulate the feelings of Ukrainians. Earlier, Detector Media talked about the first episode of the Ukraine Inc. cartoon, which says that Zelenskyi, at the request of the West, launches a “military meat grinder”, meaning that he is escorting Ukrainians to death.

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