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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Fake Poland is creating a 70,000-strong group to occupy Volhynia and Galicia

Russian media continue to spread information about Poland's alleged intentions to seize the western regions of Ukraine. This time, Russian propaganda spread a fake about Poland's likely creation of a "new army": "a 70,000-strong group of Ukrainian police officers, soldiers of the Armed Forces and servicemen of the Polish army." Like "for control" over the "occupied Ukrainian territories." The source of the fake was Marat Bashirov, a Russian politician who was once part of the occupation administration in the Russian-occupied part of the Luhansk region and organized the LNR terrorist structure. It is not the first time he has spread fakes about the war in Ukraine, including Poland.

Russia has spread many fakes against Poland in recent months, such as that Polish President Andrzej Duda's visit to Kyiv proved that Poland had allegedly moved from plans "to seize territory in western Ukraine"; or a photo of billboards allegedly placed in Poland, with the image of the Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Armed Forces Jaroslav Miki with the quote "Time to remember history"; or "Poland has an insidious intention to side with Russia and seize the western part of Ukraine"; or "Poland is tired of Ukrainian refugees, so the local police began to support Russia and glue" Z "on their cars" and many others. With these theses, Russian propaganda is trying to undermine relations between Poland and Ukraine. And also to accuse Poland of inciting war against Ukraine, thereby diverting attention from Russia's military aggression against Ukraine and the atrocities of the Russian military.

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