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Fake The bayraktar, which the Lithuanians bought for Ukraine, was shot down in the air in 3.5 minutes

In many posts, social networks, including Facebook and Twitter, said that the Bayraktar drone was shot down 3.5 minutes after its use. It was bought for 5 million euros collected by concerned Lithuanians. It is an outright fake that is easy to refute: the drone is not yet in Ukraine. The founder wrote it of the crowdfunding initiative on Laisves TV journalist and public figure Andrius Tapinas who actually announced the fundraising campaign.

"Unfortunately, we see sad news. Russian propaganda on social media spreads the message that our Bayraktar was already shot down and was in the air for only 3.5 minutes. The ability to shoot down an unmanned aerial vehicle that has not yet been purchased and is in the factory requires incredible anti-aircraft artillery, " he wrote, ironically. He added a few more details: almost 200,000 people were transferred funds from Lithuania in three days. Then, when it turned out that the Turkish manufacturer would make a gift to Ukraine and provide one drone for free - Lithuanian organizers decided to arm this gift for 1.5 million euros. And the amount that remained in the accounts, and where the funds are still coming, to transfer to the aid of the Ukrainian army. A campaign to choose a name for the drone is currently underway on the journalist's Facebook page.

Fact-checkers from StopFake: "The first reports of the beating of the bayraktar appeared in late May, before the end of the crowdfunding campaign."

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