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Manipulation Ukrainians suffer from psychological problems as the government continues to fight with Russia

Russian telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that because of the war, 90% of Ukrainians will need psychological help. Russian propaganda refers to messages from Health Minister Viktor Liashko, who allegedly said that the Ukrainian government is to blame for this, because it refuses “peace” with Russia, which “saved” Ukrainians from mental health problems. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. Ukrainian Health Minister Viktor Liashko actually said that 90% of Ukrainians have at least 1 symptom, which indicates that a person will need psychological help. However, this was not caused by the actions of the Ukrainian authorities and the “unwillingness” to make peace with Russia, but by Russian shelling, threats to destroy all infrastructure, abuse of residents in temporarily occupied territories and intimidation, torture, and separation from relatives. Ukraine is doing everything to win.

Moreover, in Ukraine there are programs that help you get psychological help. For example, the Medical Guarantee Program, the “How are you?” All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program, there are also Vitality Centers and special hotlines.

Thus, Russian propagandists are trying to shift responsibility for the war and possible mental problems of Ukrainians from Russia to Ukraine. Although it is precisely because of Russia’s actions that Ukrainians need special support and in the future they may find themselves needing to seek psychological help. Previously, we talked about the manipulation that the UN said that Ukraine was announcing the verdicts of innocent people.

Manipulation The United States is helping Ukraine as wars are beneficial to the American economy, Biden said

Pro-Kremlin media are disseminating information that US President Joe Biden in his address allegedly admitted that he had deceived the world under the guise of the fight for democracy, and called assistance to Ukraine an investment in murder and the American PMC. Russian propaganda writes that “investment in military conflicts in Israel and Ukraine is necessary for the well-being of the American economy and its VAT”. It is not true.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. On October 19, the US President made a special address in which he said that assistance to Israel and Ukraine is an investment for US citizens. However, Russian propagandists took the quote out of context, leaving out the part explaining why Biden used that particular expression.

In fact, Joe Biden noted that there is a direct connection between Ukraine’s victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war and the well-being of Americans. In his address, he spoke about investing in the security and stability of the democratic world, and not about “investing in the death of Ukrainians”. After all, if terrorists do not pay for terror, and dictators do not pay for aggression, they continue to commit crimes, kill and destroy. This unleashes even more unpunished cruelty and permissiveness in the world.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit US President Joe Biden and convince the whole world that America benefits from Russia’s war in Ukraine. They say that while Ukrainians are dying, the US economy is improving, which is why the United States is “helping”. By spreading such manipulation, Russian propagandists seek to antagonize Ukraine with its Western partners and reduce aid. Previously, we refuted the fake that during one of Joseph Biden’s speeches people chanted obscene words.

Manipulation The Poles do not want to see Ukrainian refugees and therefore protest on the streets of Lublin

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media claim that the Poles allegedly no longer want to see Ukrainians in their country and therefore began to massively support anti-Ukrainian parties. Like, CNN even writes about this, talking about large-scale demonstrations in Polish cities such as Lublin. However, this is manipulation.

This case was brought to the attention of specialists from the StopFake project and the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. They analyzed the publication’s original article, which is called “Poland’s goodwill towards Ukraine is weakening. The far right party is seizing the opportunity”. In fact, it only covers one of the pre-election rallies of the anti-Ukrainian and Eurosceptic Confederation party in Lublin. This explains the rhetoric against Ukrainian refugees among the event participants. At the same time, CNN journalists' interlocutors are confident in Ukraine's victory and the need to continue to support it despite all problems. There are indeed no statements in the article that the Poles “no longer want to see Ukrainians in their country”.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to create a quarrel between Ukrainians and Poles, as well as influence their internal politics, causing a hostile attitude towards Ukrainian refugees. Detector Media has already written about how Russian propaganda manipulated the topics of internal Polish politics before and after the recent parliamentary elections.

Manipulation Ukraine declares the verdicts of innocent people, the UN said

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media claim that the UN is accusing the “Kyiv regime” of pronouncing sentences on innocent people. They say they mean almost six thousand criminal proceedings for cooperation with Russia. This statement was made by UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights Nada Al-Nashif during her speech at a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council on October 9. Propagandists also refer to statements by the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, Tetiana Moskalkova, where she accused the Ukrainian special services of keeping teachers in custody in the Kherson region. According to her, Ukraine reproaches teachers in prison only because they “did not violate their professional duty and continued to teach children”. However, this is manipulation.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that although the topic was indeed discussed at the meeting, Al-Nashif did not accuse Ukraine of “declaring the verdicts of innocent people”. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights only expressed concern that “many of those arrested and even convicted suffered because of their actions, which, in principle, the occupying state could force them to do”. In this context, they are observing with “deep concern” the policy of mass granting of Russian citizenship to local residents in the territory of Ukraine temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation.

In addition, Russian media ignored part of the report in which the Office drew attention to numerous human rights violations by Russia. In particular, Al-Nashif said victims described “cruelty that is difficult to imagine”, such as electric shocks, sexual assault and severe beatings, in some cases resulting in broken bones and knocked out teeth. She also criticized the conditions of the prisoners, in particular the lack of access to food and medicine, as well as sleep deprivation. The UN also drew attention to the fact that Russia has not taken any measures to hold accountable for violations and crimes committed by its security forces.

Moskalkova’s statements do not correspond to reality. According to Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, criminal liability is provided not for teaching under occupation, but for “propaganda carried out by a citizen of Ukraine in educational institutions”, as well as for the implementation of the standards of the aggressor state in the educational process. Deputy Minister of Justice of Ukraine Valeriia Kolomiets, in a commentary for Radio Svoboda (Liberty), emphasized that the fact of living in temporarily occupied territories does not automatically define a person as a collaborator. The official also stated cases when Ukrainian teachers under occupation were forced to work under pressure, worrying about the lives of themselves and their families. Accordingly, the pre-trial investigation and the court must take into account all the circumstances of this category of cases.

By spreading such messages, propagandists want to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and avoid responsibility for Russian crimes. In addition, in this way they justify the disdainful attitude towards the residents of the temporarily occupied territories. Detector Media has already written about what harmful messages Russia creates and disseminates against residents of temporarily occupied territories.

Manipulation “Ukraine will not be able to return all the “lost territories”, political scientist Francis Fukuyama said

Enemy resources are disseminating information that supposedly American political scientist Francis Fukuyama, in an interview with Radio Svoboda (Liberty), spoke about the impossibility of Ukraine returning all occupied territories. This is manipulation.

The case was studied by the fact-checkers from the StopFake project. The American philosopher noted that the only possible option in which Russia would leave the occupied territories is the victory of Ukraine on the battlefield. Also in the interview, Fukuyama said that it is possible that Ukraine will face a situation where not all 100% of the territories can be unoccupied and that the war could continue for a long time. That is, the political scientist spoke only about the “probability” that not all territories of Ukraine will be liberated, but did not claim that this is the only possible scenario.

During the interview, Francis Fukuyama was careful with his statements regarding territorial concessions, and inserted remarks such as: “As a foreigner, I cannot give advice on this issue. This is a question that Ukrainians themselves must answer and make a decision”. Regarding the end of the war unleashed by the Kremlin, the political scientist said that “none of us can predict how long this war will last”. Ultimately, he suggested that the situation could become similar to Israel's as long as Russia continues to exist as a state.

Russian propaganda nourishes the narrative that Ukraine is unable to de-occupy all of its territories and win the war against Russia. With the help of fakes of this kind, propagandists are trying to dissuade the Ukrainian people from victory over Russia and sow fear, uncertainty and doubts in the future.

Manipulation In the Gaza Strip, Romanians ask for help, but Bucharest “first of all saves Ukrainians”

On the Internet, propagandists began to spread information that Romania is in no hurry to help evacuate its “stranded” citizens in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Hamas attack on Israel. Bucharest is supposedly engaged in saving Ukrainians, that is, it puts them as a priority. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project looked into this case and found out that there is no information that Romania is prioritizing the evacuation of Ukrainian citizens. Evacuation from the Gaza Strip is not yet possible, so propagandists manipulate information when they write that the Romanian authorities are saving Ukrainians, but not Romanians. On October 8, 2023, Romania made its first flight, evacuating 346 Romanian citizens from Ben Gurion Airport (Tel Aviv, Israel), as reported by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Almost a week later, the first evacuation plane to Romania with Ukrainians on board took off from the same Israel on October 14 - there were 207 Ukrainian citizens on board, mostly women, children and the elderly. Due to the fact that Ukrainian airspace is closed to aircraft due to Russia’s armed aggression, Ukrainian citizens are forced to fly first to Romania, a neighboring country, and only then travel overland to Ukraine.

Russia is trying to “create a quarrel” between Ukraine and its neighboring states, one of which is Romania, in order to reduce their support for the Ukrainian people from Russian aggression. Previously, pro-Kremlin media also spread disinformation about the rescue of Ukrainians from Israel in order to once again discredit the Ukrainian government for its inaction.

Manipulation The invasion of bedbugs in France as a consequence of anti-Russian sanctions

Residents of Paris and visitors to the city have noticed bedbugs in public places. Despite bedbug outbreaks occurring regularly in late summer in France, Parisians were feeling concerned. In this regard, seven schools were even closed in France. Against this background, pro-Russian anonymous Telegram channels and some social network users began to spread information that the French newspaper La Montagne allegedly blames Russia for the “invasion of bedbugs” in Paris. They say that anti-Russian sanctions are to blame for everything, and because of them France was unable to purchase the necessary insecticides from Russia.

The fact-checkers of the StopFake project analyzed this case and came to the conclusion that the French publication did not publish news that sanctions against Russia are the reason for the appearance of bedbugs in Paris. As Politico journalists report, bedbugs in France have ceased to be a serious household problem since the 1950s. Although they have appeared again in the last 30 years, this certainly has no connection with anti-Russian sanctions. Adaptation of insects to insecticides, climate change and the fact that people now travel more in crowded transport are the main reasons for the mass appearance of bedbugs.

Russian propaganda systematically spreads disinformation about the “uselessness” and “insignificance” of Western countries’ sanctions against Russia. They appeal to the fact that Russian resources and goods are vital to the world. Previously, we analyzed Russian manipulation of French winemakers, who were allegedly subjected to a crisis due to “anti-Russian sanctions”.

Manipulation Poles “no longer want to see” Ukrainian refugees in their country

This thesis was spread in pro-Kremlin media. Reports say that Poles are increasingly hostile towards Ukrainians, whom they do not want to see on Polish territory. The authors argue that anti-Ukrainian sentiment in Poland has increased and even political parties with such rhetoric are becoming increasingly popular among citizens. To support this position, publications refer to CNN material. This is manipulation.

The StopFake analysts investigated this case and determined that the journalistic material covered the events of the election campaign in Poland, namely the rally of the Confederation party in Lublin on the eve of the elections. It is a far-right political force that proclaims nationalist views, anti-migrant sentiments and radical Euroscepticism. Accordingly, the events and characters covered in the CNN report naturally express their attitude to a particular issue. These are sympathizers of the ultra-right party.

For example, a fifteen-year-old boy told media workers from an American television and radio company that he was helping organize the event because he was against LGBT people, against the European Union and against abortion. Or another hero of a mass event argued that “some Ukrainians feel too much at home”. It is not surprising that supporters of a party that expresses right-wing rhetoric relay it. That is, this is what CNN journalists showed. However, they did not incline or create their own judgments that the Poles “do not want to see” Ukrainian refugees. Media people clearly indicated whose rhetoric this was and whether it generally coincided with the position of the state. At the same time, propagandists did not provide complete information and background of the event. Using the rally of the far-right party, the manipulators legitimized their theses and extended their conclusions to the entire Polish population.

As for the thesis about the ubiquitous popularity of parties with anti-Ukrainian rhetoric, it is untrue. The same “Confederation” received the lowest result among parliamentary elections - 18 seats in the Seimas and 7.16% of the votes.

The Polish Center for Public Opinion Research recently conducted a study of support for Ukrainians. Thus, 65% of Poles are in favor of accepting Ukrainian refugees in Poland. In addition, 64% believe that Russian aggression poses a direct threat to the security of Poland. Consequently, the thesis about the lack of support for Ukrainian refugees among Poles is also untrue.

Russian propaganda is once again trying to show a “decline in support for Ukrainians” in EU countries and others that have accepted Ukrainian refugees. In particular, they often turn to the Poles, one of Ukraine’s closest neighbors and strategic partners. Thus, the authors want to sow discord among Ukrainians and Poles.

Read our latest cases on this topic: allegedly, in Poland they accuse Ukrainians of “manifestations of Nazism”; or an anti-Ukrainian flash mob allegedly took place, initiated by the Poles.

Manipulation In Ukraine, because of Russia the construction of a tank plant to have been canceled by the German concern Rheinmetall

This thesis was spread on social networks, in particular on anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that the German concern (an association of several enterprises, in this case in the field of defense) Rheinmetall is canceling the construction of a tank factory in Ukraine through Russia. We are talking about constant shelling of infrastructure, so German representatives are supposedly afraid of the power of the occupying army. The authors refer to news from the Reuters news agency. This is manipulation.

The VoxCheck fact-checkers analyzed the case and came to the conclusion that the news indicated: Germany did approve the creation of a joint venture between the main German Rheinmetall and the Ukrainian Ukroboronprom. Further, the journalists wrote that Rheinmetall will be involved in technical maintenance of the equipment. But on the official website of the German defense concern it is indicated that its specialists will be engaged in the maintenance and repair of combat vehicles, and in the future they will produce equipment together with Ukraine.

Actually, the fact-checkers write that this format of work was assumed from the very beginning of the conclusion of the strategic partnership agreement in May 2023. According to the agreement, the enterprise was supposed to begin its work in July, but the project implementation deadlines were delayed. In mid-August, the general director of Rheinmetall explained that tanks within the united concern would begin to be repaired “before the end of the month”.

That is, we are not talking about any canceled construction projects or agreements. According to Reuters, the German defense company, on the contrary, approved the decision to create a joint organization. During the implementation of the construction plan, there were no reports of cancellation of such a plan. Propagandists distorted the context of the material and wrote that even the NATO representative country allegedly fears Russia and curtails any companies on the territory of Ukraine.

This is how the authors try to dispel the thesis about their “irresistible technology”, which is ready to destroy everyone, and as confirmation of this they give the example of the “cancellation” of construction.

In our Newspeak section we described the Russian phenomenon of “irresistible technology”. In short, this is how the Russians try to convince the domestic audience of constant victories.

Manipulation The West and PACE are “interfering” in the Russian presidential elections

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric in the media claim that the United States and “its European satellites” are allegedly interfering in the internal affairs of Russia and the 2024 presidential elections. This is how they reacted to the adoption on October 13 by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) of a resolution declaring Volodymyr Putin illegitimate after the expiration of his current presidential term. The statement about “interference in the internal affairs of Russia” is unreliable.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to this. They found out that this is manipulation, since the resolution is advisory in nature for implementation and cannot directly influence the presidential elections in Russia. The Assembly only recommended that Council of Europe member states recognize Putin as illegitimate after the end of his current presidential term and cut off all contacts with him except for humanitarian needs and peace. The document notes that Russia ignores the norms of international law and all recommendations of the Venice Commission (a body on constitutional law under the Council of Europe), in particular, changes to the 2021 Constitution. Under these changes, Putin has reset his previous presidential terms and could rule the country until 2036.

StopFake notes that Russians repeatedly reproach other countries for “failure to implement” the recommendations of the Venice Commission. For example, as in the situation with the Law of Ukraine “On Education” of 2017. At that time, Russia actively promoted the narrative of “oppression of Russian speakers”.

By spreading such fakes, propagandists want to create the image of a “victim” and justify the crimes of Russians. They say that Russia started the war to fight against the hypocrisy of Western states, because they want to destroy Russia. Russia constantly victimizes itself within the walls of international institutions. For example, Detector Media has already written about how Russian diplomats regularly spread propaganda in the OSCE.

Manipulation Security agents on Ukrainian trains will start looking for “passengers disloyal to the Zelenskyi regime”

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on social networks claim that secret agents will soon begin working at stations and trains in Ukraine, who will allegedly look for people “disloyal to the authorities and the Zelenskyi regime” among passengers. This is manipulation.

Specialists from the StopFake project drew attention to it. They found out that on October 9, the press service of Ukrzaliznytsia announced the start of work of the first railway safety marshals. Today, departmental security workers work on one of the popular western routes, which requires more attention for better passenger safety. According to representatives of Ukrzaliznytsia, the main task of the marshals is to control the situation in passenger transportation and respond in a timely manner if necessary. They note that such work is normal practice for passenger transportation companies. For example, this practice is used in the USA, Canada, India, Israel, Great Britain, Singapore, etc. Innovations are related to military operations on the territory of Ukraine.

By spreading such manipulations, propagandists want to personally discredit the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi. They say he establishes a dictatorship in Ukraine and destroys his critics even during normal passenger transportation. Detector Media has already repeatedly refuted other fakes and manipulations about Zelenskyi.

Manipulation Kyrylo Budanov admitted that Ukraine is carrying out nuclear blackmail on Europe

Russian media write that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Budanov, in an October interview with NV, said that “Ukraine is bombing the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant” and “wants to arrange a nuclear Armageddon” to blackmail the whole world. The material mentions attempts by the Ukrainian military to de-occupy territories and strategic objects illegally seized by the Russians, such as the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checkers of the StopFake project. In the NV media material, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry and his work colleagues shared details of some special military intelligence operations. The Ukrainian armed forces landed three times on the left bank of the Dnipro near Enerhodar to create a springboard for the de-occupation of the city and the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. Despite the fact that the operations were unsuccessful, that is, the desired result was not achieved, the Ukrainian military managed to at least thwart Russia’s plans to connect the Zaporizhzhia NPP to its energy system.

Representatives of Ukrainian intelligence did not make any “admissions” that Ukraine allegedly “bombed” the station. By trying to dislodge the occupiers, Ukraine is not committing a crime, but is using its legitimate right to self-defense in accordance with Article 51 of the UN Charter. Russia regularly creates crisis situations at Zaporizhzhia NPP, each of which carries the threat of a large-scale accident.

Previously, for example, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense denied Russian disinformation about Ukraine’s alleged plans to attack the Zaporizhzhia NPP with drones.

Manipulation Valuable museum exhibits are being transported to the West from the Kharkiv Historical Museum forever

Russian media, broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric, are disseminating information that Western countries are using the war in Ukraine to take away Ukrainian historical values. In the Kharkiv Historical Museum, allegedly under the guise of digitizing monuments, they are exporting them to the west of Ukraine, where “their traces are lost”. They seem to be taken “for temporary storage”, but in fact they are not going to return them. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. The Kharkiv Historical Museum named after M. F. Sumtsov is a participant in the international project “Memory Savers”, the purpose of which is to digitize historical monuments, scientific research of museum collections and enter them into a European database. There is no talk about exporting valuable exhibits abroad.

However, it is Russia that plunders Ukrainian museums and galleries and removes cultural property from temporarily occupied territories.

Russian propaganda uses reflexive tactics: it accuses the West of stealing Ukrainian monuments and valuable exhibits. That is, it accuses it of what Russia is really doing in the temporarily occupied territories in order to divert attention from its crimes. Previously, we talked about the message that Russia does not destroy Ukrainian cultural and historical heritage and refuted the fake that Kyiv agreed with UNESCO to transfer holy relics to museums in Italy, France, Germany and the Vatican.

Manipulation In Ukraine, they want to abolish a status of a disabled person in order to send more people to the front

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that Ukraine is supposedly going to abolish disability status in order to send more people to the front. As evidence, Russian propaganda cites a proposal to remove the concept of “disabled person” from the legislation. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. Minister of Health Viktor Liashko indeed stated that the Ministry of Health has prepared a bill according to which the disability notion is proposed to be replaced by the assessment of loss of functionality. However, this bill is not about abolishing “disability” or mobilization. This reform was discussed at the beginning of October at a briefing in Zhytomyr following the results of the Congress of Local and Regional Councils under the President of Ukraine.

For Ukraine , the goal is to abandon the post-Soviet model of determining disability, which provides a person only with benefits and compensation. And the task of the state should be “to return a person to an economic state”. However, benefits and payments should not be canceled. And they plan to implement the changes themselves in 2025, which once again proves that the reform is not related to mobilization.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian government and sow panic among Ukrainians. They say that the counteroffensive failed, there are not enough people at the front, so the authorities are trying to mobilize everyone, including people with disabilities. Previously, we talked about the manipulation that in Ukraine they created body armor for pregnant women as they are allegedly going to send them to the front.

Manipulation In the Lviv region, checkpoints are being set up to issue draft notices

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that checkpoints are being set up in the Lviv region supposedly for “raids on men of military age”. If this practice shows a positive result, such checkpoints will be installed in other regions. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the VoxCheck project. In fact, it is about mobilization, and checkpoints have begun to be set up to strengthen security measures. All this is in order to counter the possible penetration of enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups and facilitate the work of air defense forces. This was announced by the first deputy head of the Lviv Military Regional Administration Andrii Hodyk during a briefing on September 28.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit government officials and sow panic among Ukrainians, because, they say, there are not enough people at the front, and the counteroffensive has failed. Earlier, Detector Media talked about the manipulation that the West is forcing Ukraine to lower the conscription age and “send minors to the meat grinder”.

Manipulation Ukrainians rob families of fallen soldiers

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on anonymous telegram channels claim that three thieves robbed the house of the family of a deceased military man during his funeral in the Lviv region in 2023. They say that while the defenders are being buried, other Ukrainians are robbing them. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that the story, which is being distributed as evidence of this message, was published on July 25, 2016. The event occurred on July 22 of the same year in the city of Zolochiv, Lviv region. Thieves broke into the house during the funeral of serviceman Andrii Shvets, who served as a volunteer during the Anti-Terrorist Operation in eastern Ukraine. Later, the police detained the suspects - three teenagers who stole money and property worth 40 thousand hryvnia.

Propagandists spread such manipulations to ridicule and discredit Ukrainians. Detector Media previously refuted other Russian lies about the Ukrainian military.

Manipulation A resident of Kharkiv was arrested by SSU for simply “posting on social networks”

This thesis was spread by pro-Kremlin media. The reports say that Ukraine allegedly interferes with freedom of speech by monitoring all Ukrainians on social networks who show an anti-Ukrainian position - and if they find such, they quickly “get rid of” the person. Consequently, the authors give an example where a resident of Kharkiv was charged “for nothing”, or rather, in their words, for a simple “post on social networks”. The authors of the manipulative message add that this is “an attempt to shut the mouth of those who tell the truth”.

The analysts of the StopFake project analyzed the case and determined that the 58-year-old Kharkiv resident was charged with justifying Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine and discrediting the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This was announced by the representative of the regional department of the Security Service of Ukraine Vladyslav Abdula. Actually, in his publications, which the Kremlin’s minions consider peace-loving, the man distributed propaganda materials and glorified the actions of the occupying army. And among other things, the attacker accused the Ukrainian Armed Forces of shelling residential areas of Kharkiv.

The fact-checkers explain that in March 2022, the Criminal Code of Ukraine was supplemented with Article 436-2, which provides for liability for justifying, recognizing the legitimate armed aggression of Russia against Ukraine, and glorifying its participants. That is, the actions of the SSU against the man are completely legal and not an “attack on freedom of speech”. Manipulators are trying to shift responsibility for crimes onto Ukraine, so it is obvious that they call the “shelling of the Ukrainian Armed Forces of Kharkiv” truthful, but also the Russian occupiers - valiant.

Read how Russia blurs reality with the word “extremism”. In short, the Kremlin sees any actions that contradict Moscow’s “policy” as extremism. For example, the Russian branch of the BBC gave an example in its material when a Russian posted a publication similar to Odnoklassniki wishing death and shame on Russians who are going to fight in the Donbas. And a criminal case was opened against him on charges of “ethnic hatred”.

Manipulation The West is forcing Ukraine to lower the conscription age and “send minors to the meat grinder”

Russian media broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that the ex-Minister of Defense of the United Kingdom, Ben Wallace, allegedly stated the need to lower the conscription age. As Russian propaganda notes, they are going to resort to such measures due to the alleged “complete failure of the Ukrainian Armed Forces summer counteroffensive”. And this will be a continuation of the “Western policy” of killing a large number of Slavs associated with the Ukrainian and Russian sides”. This is manipulation.

The case was investigated by the fact-checker of the StopFake project. They established that Russian propaganda refers to a column by Ben Wallace published in The Telegraph. Wallace didn't actually write about the failed Ukrainian counteroffensive or the need to draft 16-year-olds and “throw them into a meat grinder”. On the contrary, he noted that Ukraine will win this war, and the allies must increase the pace of assistance.

Ben Wallace writes that Putin is mobilizing all of Russia, and in Ukraine the average age of soldiers on the fronts is 40. “So, as Britain did in 1939 and 1941, perhaps it is time to reassess the scale of Ukrainian mobilization”, Wallace said. It was this quote that Russian propagandists used to create manipulative news.

Thus, Russian propaganda continues to promote the narrative that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is a failure, and the West will indeed destroy Ukraine. Previously, we described the message that the European Union benefits from Ukraine’s defeat in the war.

Manipulation Ukraine plans to mobilize men over 60 years old

Anonymous telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric are disseminating information that Ukraine plans to mobilize men over 60 years of age. Russian propaganda refers to bill No. 10084 on amendments to Part 2 of Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Military Duty and Military Service”. This is manipulation.

The case was examined by fact-checkers from the Center for Countering Disinformation. They found out that in fact the bill refers to military personnel with a high level of professional training, who were recognized by a military medical commission as fit for health reasons. At their request, they may be retained in military service. Russian propaganda manipulated to create the impression that men over 60 will definitely be mobilized in Ukraine.

Thus, Russian propaganda is trying to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and promote the message that Ukraine has high losses during the counteroffensive, so the decision was made to mobilize those over 60 years old. Propagandists are also trying to sow despondency and panic among Ukrainian society. Previously, we talked about the manipulation that Zelenskyi said that all Ukrainians should wear military uniforms so that the Russians would be afraid of them.

Manipulation The US Secretary of State incorrectly calculated the number of deoccupied territories of Ukraine

Propagandists spreading pro-Russian rhetoric on anonymous telegram channels claim that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s statement that Ukraine has liberated more than 50% of the territories seized by the Russian Federation is allegedly erroneous. Like, this information was taken “from a parallel reality”. This is manipulation.

The specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found the original video of Blinken speaking. In it, he states that Ukraine has returned more than 50% of the territories Russia has seized since the start of the full-scale invasion. However, he did not mean part of the territory that Russia captured back in 2014. Project analysts cite statements from foreign military experts who claim that Ukraine has returned 50–54% of the territories captured by Russia since February 24, 2022.

By spreading this manipulation, propagandists want to undermine trust in Western officials and discredit the successes of the Ukrainian army. All this is being done to show that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is allegedly not successful. Detector Media has previously refuted other fakes and manipulations of propagandists on this topic.

Manipulation All Ukrainians should wear military uniforms so that the Russians are afraid of them, Zelenskyi said

This thesis was spread on social networks in the Russian segment. Reports say that during one of his public appearances, Volodymyr Zelenskyi allegedly said that all Ukrainians should wear military uniforms so that Russians would be afraid of them. Propagandists cultivate the opinion of the so-called total militarization of society, because Zelenskyi, in their opinion, strives to achieve one thing - thus reducing the population to “minimum critical indicators”. Among other things, the authors noted that such actions of the Ukrainian president were caused by allegedly excessive drug use. And they called him a “connoisseur of white powder”. This is manipulation

The VoxCheck fact-checkers investigated this case and found that the official’s words were taken out of context. First of all, it is about a meeting of the Ukrainian president with students who are studying sports. The event is dedicated to the Day of Physical Culture and Sports and is celebrated on September 9. Thus, one of the students asked how Zelenskyi maintains his physical shape and how this helps maintain psychological stability. And Volodymyr Zelenskyi replied that sport allows him to get rid of excess energy and then it is easier for him to negotiate with people, making rational decisions during the conversation. He also added that “we need to be in shape so that the Russians are afraid of us”. From the context it is clear that they are talking about physical fitness, health, etc. But nothing was said about military uniforms, as the propagandists tried to convince us of.

Propagandists often turn to the image of Zelenskyi and describe him in all sorts of ways. This is a traditional tactic of “disgraceful epithets”,which consists of using abusive or offensive words in order to form the “correct vision” of a phenomenon or process according to Russian propaganda. For example, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has already played such roles: a vain person who spends all budget funds only on himself; a punitive satanist destroying Ukrainian church property; a person with drug addiction, etc. Read more about this propaganda tactic here. Such “epithets” are intended to form a negative image of Zelenskyi among the public, allegedly reinforced by his actions.

And Russia is systematically engaged in distorting quotes. This helps it promote its own theses, and if they are “consonant” with the statement of authority, the information acquires legitimacy in the eyes of users of anonymous telegram channels. Read the latest denials of manipulation:

  • Kyrylo Budanov, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, “admitted” that even the presence of foreign weapons “does not change the situation at the front”.
  • Zelenskyi “called” the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive a failure. 
  • The Ukrainian Parliament decided to legalize medical cannabis so that people “endure pain, stress and injury”.

Manipulation Kyrylo Budanov “admitted” that even the presence of foreign weapons “does not change the situation at the front”

This thesis was spread by pro-Kremlin media. Reports say that the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, Kyrylo Budanov, allegedly admitted that Abrams tanks on the front line “won’t last long”. He also said that the long-range ATACMS missiles that the United States can provide to Ukraine “will not change the situation at the front”. The publications refer to an interview with an official of The War Zone portal. This is manipulation.

The VoxCheck fact-checkers analyzed the case and found out that in fact, in an interview, Budanov stated that, in his opinion, ATACMS missiles will not radically change the situation at the front, at least hundreds of them are needed. That is, it is about the fact that the official outlined a certain number of missiles and explained that for a better result, even more of this type of weapon is needed. But propagandists distorted the context and presented it as if Ukraine would “lose” anyway and did not need weapons, which supposedly would not bring any results. In the end, Budanov explained that the Ukrainian Armed Forces need longer-range artillery installations in order to hit Russian command posts and logistics trains.

Russia systematically deals with the distortion of quotes. This helps it promote its own theses, and if they are “consonant” with the statement of authority, the information acquires legitimacy in the eyes of users of anonymous telegram channels. Read the latest cases:

- how the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces admitted that Ukrainian air defense hits residential buildings;

- when Zelensky “called” the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counteroffensive a failure;

- how the Ukrainian Parliament decided to legalize medical cannabis so that people “endure pain, stress and injury”. 

Manipulation Chinese scientists have discovered psychotropic substances in Ukrainian consumer products

This information was disseminated by pro-Kremlin media. The reports say that, according to a study by “Chinese scientists”, they found microdoses of psychoactive substances in Ukrainian products. They explain that the research was allegedly carried out in the Tsinghua laboratory in Beijing. The publications refer to material from the Chinese publication Global Times. And a screenshot is added to publications. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project took up the case and determined that the Global Times media workers did not produce such material. Instead, there is material in which the date and time of publication, as well as the author, completely coincide with the propaganda screenshot. In the original text, the author Hu Yuwei writes about espionage activities in China, not about Ukrainian food products. That is, the authors of the false publication distorted the context of the material and, moreover, resorted to compiling it using photo editors.

As for conducting possible research, there is no mention of research on Ukrainian food products on the official website of the institute affiliated with the laboratory. It conducts research and development in the fields of energy, environment, natural resources and nuclear science.

Manipulation In Lutsk, 33 medical workers will be fired in order to be sent to the front

Propagandists are actively disseminating information on anonymous telegram channels that allegedly the Volyn Regional Psychiatric Hospital and the Volyn Medical Center for Addiction Therapy are being merged in order to fire 15 doctors of the psychiatric hospital and 18 employees of the addiction center. They say that these people will be spared a deferment from mobilization and will be sent to the medical company of the 14th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is confirmed by the fact that the directors of both institutions were allegedly fired, and one of them was given a draft notice for resisting this idea. However, this is a fake.

Specialists from the VoxCheck project drew attention to it. They found out that there are no plans to fire or mobilize doctors from both hospitals. The decision to reorganize the psychiatric hospital was made by the Volyn Regional Council even before the full-scale invasion, namely on December 9, 2021. This decision provided for the dismissal of the heads of both institutions, but not the remaining employees. However, on March 16, 2023, deputies of the regional council canceled this statement and decided to reorganize the Volyn Medical Center for Addiction Therapy. As a result, the hospital will take over the rights and responsibilities of the center, and the center's property will become the property of the mental hospital. As a result, they decided to join the smaller one to the larger one. In addition, Volyn officials note that the staff may even have to be expanded, since as part of the reorganization they plan to increase the number of beds. VoxCheck specialists were unable to find news about the issuance of a draft notice to the ex-director of the Volyn Medical Center for Addiction Therapy, Ihor Shkarovetskyi.

It is noted that psychiatry and narcology are related disciplines, therefore the practice of combining specialized institutions of these disciplines is common in Ukraine. In addition, consolidation will help to obtain more funds. The merger takes place within the framework of the third stage of medical reform on the creation of a wealthy network. This reform is being carried out to improve the quality of medical services and free medical care.

Using such manipulations, propagandists want to exaggerate the scale of mobilization in Ukraine and intimidate the civilian population. They say that the Ukrainian government does not care about serious problems, so it puts ordinary people at risk and mobilizes mental hospital workers. Detector Media has already written not only about numerous manipulations on the topic of mobilization in Ukraine, but also about how Russian propaganda reinforces stereotypes about mental health.

Manipulation Odesa residents went to a rally against Zelenskyi

Such information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. Reports say that a rally against Volodymyr Zelenskyi was organized in Odesa. They say they hate him, and the townspeople decided to demonstrate this by going to a rally. This is manipulation.

The fact-checkers of the VoxCheck project investigated this case and found out that the rally did take place, but not against the Ukrainian president, allegedly with the aim of expressing dissatisfaction with him. The peaceful protest took place as part of the demand to cancel tenders for the reconstruction of the buildings of the Kyiv District Court and the Theater for Young Spectators. People came out with posters: “First the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then everything else”, “Deputies, my taxes are for the Armed Forces of Ukraine”.  That is, people held a peaceful rally, calling for funds (from tenders) to be better directed to the Ukrainian Defense Forces. At the same time, propagandists used the context of the rally itself and distorted it: they explained that people were initially opposed to Volodymyr Zelenskyi.

Thus, Russian propaganda seeks to create the impression that the country is dissatisfied with the Ukrainian president and is striving for his speedy resignation. They say he is hated everywhere.

By the way, read the latest fake news on this topic, where Russia turns a blind eye to false works of mass art and pop culture. That is, those that were created by human hands. For example, a rally can also serve as an expression of the will of the Ukrainian people to take action. Or as if graffiti was created in The Hague, the capital of European justice, with the image of Zelenskyi hanging on the gallows; or about the fake cover of the allegedly British newspaper The New European, where the Ukrainian president is sitting on the lap of the Dalai Lama. Or about the fake cover of the numb Volodymyr Zelenskyi from the figure of the dictator Putin and Jesus Christ.