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Fake In Ukraine, the Armed Forces will mobilize women

According to the Center for Combating Disinformation, pro-Russian Telegram channels are spreading photos of a document on the conscription of women, which was allegedly signed by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Serhiy Shaptala. The document states that "by June 15, 2022, it is necessary to prepare lists of women on the military register and carry out mobilization activities, and by June 31, 2022, to organize activities for military registration of women aged 18 to 60 years." However, this is a fake, and the document attached to the posts is also false.

According to Oleh Honcharuk, military commissar of the Chernihiv Regional Territorial Center of Manning and Social Support, there is no need for compulsory conscription. The Center adds that this fake is designed for "domestic" consumers and aims to create centers of social instability in some regions of Ukraine. " Such a fake is needed to destabilize the situation in the country. He said things were going too badly at the front, so the authorities would mobilize women because there was a lack of human resources. However, some Ukrainian women join the Armed Forces voluntarily, without announcing mobilization.

Fake The Ukrainian Armed Forces blew up the last bridge connecting Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk

Russian media are spreading fake allegations that the Ukrainian Armed Forces blew up the last bridge connecting Sievierodonetsk with Lysychansk. It is a fake because the Russian occupiers purposefully destroyed the bridges across the Siverskyi Donets for many weeks. It was repeatedly reported by the head of the Central Executive Committee of the Luhansk region, Sergei Gaidai, and other official sources.

In fact, three bridges connected the two cities. Two have already been destroyed by Russian artillery, and it is unknown whether the third remains intact. Still, civilians remain in Sievierodonetsk, part of the military, for whom the bridge is an important link and evacuation route. And it is the Russians who are destroying the ways of military retreat and evacuation of people - the American Institute also reported this for War Studies.

On the other hand, Russian attempts to destroy bridges across the river are illogical; researchers say: "Russian troops should seek to capture bridges, not destroy them because they have problems forcing the Siverskyi Donets River. They may hope to block Ukrainian defenders in Sievierodonetsk by cutting off their retreat. Still, it seems unlikely that the benefits of capturing a relatively small number of Ukrainian military personnel outweigh the costs of building a river crossing," ISW said.

Analysts do not see the logic in the actions of Russians - but the examples of Chornobaivka and Bilohorivka show that Russians are constantly acting against logic. And always trying to build pontoon bridges instead of those that destroyed themselves.

Fake The Ukrainian military, blocked at the Azot plant, is holding hostages

This thesis is spread by pro-Kremlin propaganda media, citing the Russian Defense Ministry. Reports say that Russian invaders allegedly "blocked 300-400 Ukrainian servicemen" on the Azot plant in Sievierodonetsk territory. Russian media also claim that the UAF fighters are "holding hostages" at the plant and "negotiating the occupiers" capture. However, this is not true.

In fact, according to StopFake fact-checkers, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to control the Azot industrial zone and chemical plant in Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk region. Also, the Armed Forces do not hold hostages - people are hiding in the bomb shelters of the plant from the continuous Russian shelling. According to the head of the Luhansk DMA, Sergey Gaidai, Russia has failed to establish "quick and easy" control over the city, as announced. Gaidai also denied reports that "the Ukrainian military is blocked at the plant and wants to be taken, prisoner." "Information about the blockade of the Nitrogen plant is a complete lie spread by Russian propagandists. The rest of the "details" are a sick fantasy of Rodion Miroshnyk, a collaborator. Our people are holding the Sievierodonetsk industrial zone and destroying the Russian army in the city," Gaidai said.

Fake Residents of Kherson region may not repay loans taken from Ukrainian banks

This was stated by collaborator Vladimir Saldo, who was appointed by the Russian occupiers as the so-called "head" of the Kherson regional state administration. According to him, "there will be no responsibility" for non-repayable loans. The Center for Combating Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine stressed that this information is not true.

Fake Caliber missiles destroyed many anti-tank missile systems, portable anti-aircraft missile systems, and shells in the Ternopil region, which Kyiv received from the United States and Europe

On June 11, at 9:46 p.m., Russians fired four rockets at the city of Chortkiv in the Ternopil region. Russian propagandists claim to have destroyed weapons. But this is not true! The head of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Ternopil region, Oleksandr Bogomol, said there were no weapons at the targets. "We see this as a crime, as a blow to the civilian population," Bogomol said.

The head of the Ternopil Regional Military Administration, Volodymyr Trush, said that part of the military facility was destroyed and four 5-story buildings were damaged. Twenty-two people were injured, including children. SES units rescued 12 people from the rubble, including two children. The detonation damaged the gas pipeline.

Fake Former Ombudsman of Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova admitted that she lied about the sexual crimes of Russian soldiers on Ukrainian territory

The Russian media spread such misinformation. Russia's Permanent Representative later voiced this fake to the UN Vasily Nebenzya in an interview with the BBC's HardTalk program. Russian propagandists refer to the interview of the former ombudsman in the Ukrainian edition of LB.ua, StopFake writes. Lyudmyla Denisova did not admit that she spread fakes about the sexual crimes of Russian soldiers against the people of Ukraine. She only agreed that she had used unethical language about possible sexual crimes, which could be an additional trauma for victims of Russian crimes.

Lyudmyla Denisova repeated several times that she used such vocabulary "as suggested by the victims themselves" and "psychologists working on the line of psychological support of UNICEF."

Propagandists also cite the fake that Denisova allegedly said that she "invented the rape of children by servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces during a speech before the Italian parliament to secure the supply of weapons to Kyiv." But in the full version of the quote, fragments of which the propagandists used to "confirm," there is also no confession from Denisova that these stories were "fictional."

On the contrary, Lyudmyla Denisova emphasized that she wanted to use the fact of her speech in the Italian parliament to explain why it is important to talk about Russian crimes.

Fake The Chinese delegation staged a demarche during Volodymyr Zelensky's speech at the Shangri La Dialogue Asian Security Summit in Singapore on June 10-11

The President of Ukraine spoke online. Russian media and some Ukrainian publications published a news item about the demarche, citing a post on Twitter by Olivia Enos, a senior political analyst at the Center for Asian Studies. She allegedly wrote that during Zelensky's speech, the Chinese delegation left the hall. This moment was not shown during Zelensky's speech on the forum.

There is currently no such post on Olivia Enos's page.

There is currently no such post on Olivia Enos' page. Enos deleted her post and instead retweeted a post from Georgetown University professor and senior security researcher in the Asia-Pacific region, IISS Lynn Kuok, who noted that "President Zelensky is giving a moving speech at SLD22, emphasizing the connection between Europe and Asia. "

In his speech at the summit, the President of Ukraine stressed that since Russia blocks grain exports through Ukrainian ports, famine is possible in Asia and Africa. Zelensky added that Russia had started a war against Ukraine, trying to return the world to the old days when the freedom of people and people's lives did not matter.

Fake The Armed Forces are preparing a provocation at the place of mass burial of plague victims in Odesa

This fabrication was spread by representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense. "To do this, in a densely populated area of ​​the city near the service station of the regional ambulance, where the burial place of plague victims, the Armed Forces plans to place an air defense complex or its model," said the head of Russia's National Defense Management Center Mikhail Mizintsev. According to him, hundreds of civilians may be injured during this provocation. The colonel-general also noted that if the Russian military strikes at the complex, Kyiv will spread information in the media "about the emergence of biological danger allegedly through the fault of the Russian military".

There is indeed a cemetery in Odesa, where thousands of victims of the plagues of 1812, 1829, and 1837 were buried. It is a famous mountain, popularly called "Chumka." The regional sanitary-epidemiological station has repeatedly warned that it is forbidden to touch the Plague Mountain and everything stored in it. And although the risk of infection is minimal, it is still there. Epidemiologist Valeriy Sushko says that the plague is not as persistent as, for example, anthrax, so there is nothing to fear.

A spokesman for the head of the Odesa regional military administration, Serhiy Bratchuk, stressed that the so-called news of the provocation as part of Russia's information and psychological operation aimed at fueling panic among Ukrainians.

"Another goal is to conduct an information and psychological operation by the enemy and an" information alibi "for the use of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine," Bratchuk added.

Fake Cholera was found in the Odesa region

Some bloggers spread such insults. It is alleged that cholera facts were found in hospitals in Odessa and the city of Kiliya. The press service of the Odesa City Council stated that no case of cholera had been confirmed in Odesa or the Odesa region. The mayor's office added that the incidence of cholera is determined not during a doctor's examination but only by laboratory and bacteriological analysis. The head of the Odesa regional military administration, Maxym Marchenko, called complete delusional the information about the alleged cholera in Kiliya. "Every day, we check not just the quality of water, but all people who come to the region from other regions where there is an increased risk of cholera due to hostilities," Marchenko said in a video message. He noted that such checking is being held - this is one of the "main tasks, as well as the defense of Odesa." The head of the Odesa region urged residents "not to react prematurely to any information" that "some people throw out for the sake of quick hype." According to the spokesman of the Odesa regional military administration, Serhiy Bratchuk, such rumors are another attempt to divert attention from the situation caused by the actions of the invaders in the temporarily occupied Mariupol by throwing a fake. He stressed that the Russian occupiers faced the threat of a large-scale epidemic in Mariupol. "Fakes are being spread about the alleged existence of such problems in Odesa and Mykolayiv to divert attention, to disprove this information," said spokesman Bratchuk, noting that the Russian army's invasion was accompanied by scorched earth and epidemics. Another goal of the enemy's information and psychological operation, according to a spokesman for the Odesa RMA, is to try to create an "information alibi for the possible use of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine." The Center for Counteracting Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine also reports that cholera outbreaks have not been registered in any settlement of Ukraine, and cholera has not been found in any of Ukraine's reservoirs. They emphasize that cholera is an acute infectious disease that develops when eating food or water infected with Vibrio cholerae. The best way to prevent the disease is vaccination, not medication. The National Security and Defense Council denies the information that nothing can be washed with raw water, swimming in ponds as if due to water contamination. And emphasize that for cooking, you should use bottled water and boil water for consumption, then the bacterium dies when boiling water.

Fake The "Secret Document of Azov" proves that 70% of Mariupol residents support Russia

Another fake document was published by the Russian state publication RIA Novosti. It states that most (70%) of Mariupol residents are pro-Russian. And it also seems to contain an order in case of hostilities to create positions in populated areas.

According to fact-checkers from StopFake, the document has a lot of spelling mistakes. It is written in two languages ​​- for example, instead of the stamp "tayemno," on the document is written "sekretno." There are other mistakes. So, it is another attempt to accuse the Armed Forces of using the civilian population as a "living shield" and to prove to the Russians that many people in Ukraine support the war and are waiting for "liberators".

Fake Zaporizhzhia will be occupied by the Russians "in the coming days"

In Berdyansk, rumors are spreading about an alleged rapid offensive and seizure by the Russians of Zaporizhzhia and parts of the Zaporizhzhia region. The city administration drew attention to this. But, according to the military-civil administration of the Zaporizhzhia region, "at the moment, there are no preconditions for capturing the territory of the region. The Ukrainian army is firmly holding the defense, and in some areas is actively conducting counterattacks," - said a post by the Berdyansk City Council.

Earlier, the Russians spread such rumors to sow panic among the population after the liberation from the occupiers in Kyiv and Chernihiv regions.

Fake In Italy, 50% of people support Russia in the war

Russian propagandists are once again using "foreign journalists" who are often of Russian descent or close ties to Russia, but not journalists at all - to promote narratives of "Western Russophobia" or "Western support for Russia." This time, they used Swiss citizen Guy Mettan, who said that Italy had already "recovered from Russophobia" and that after three months of the war, Russia supported "50% of Italians." It is a fake - since the beginning of the war, the number of Italians who support Russia in the war against Ukraine - 5-7%, but it does not change. Indeed, the share of those who do not help both sides has increased to almost 50%.

It is a bunch of fakes in one. First, neither the United Kingdom, Ukraine, nor any other state or international organization recognizes the "court decision" that found three foreigners, two British citizens and one Moroccan, guilty and "sentenced" to death. This sentence is illegal and will be recognized as another war crime of Russia and its puppet groups.

But Guy Mettan's statement, spread by the Russian media, is irrelevant at all. According to investigators, Mettan has been repeatedly accused of spreading Kremlin propaganda and is a Russian citizen.

Fake Appealing in court against "foreign mercenaries" who fought for Ukraine will mean "recognition of the DNR"

In recent days, Russian propaganda media, citing Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov, have been spreading a fake that Britain, if it appeals against the "sentence" of foreigners captured and detained in the occupied Donbas, would mean recognizing a quasi-state.

It is a bunch of fakes in one. Firstly, neither the United Kingdom, Ukraine, nor any other state or international organization recognizes the "court decision" that found three foreigners, two British citizens and one Moroccan, guilty and "sentenced" to death. This sentence is illegal and will be recognized as another war crime of Russia and its puppet groups.

Secondly, three people - Aiden Eslin, Sean Pinner, and Brahim Saadun - are not mercenaries. They are soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and one of them is a citizen of Ukraine. Like any other combatant, they are covered by the Geneva Convention on Prisoners of War, which means that they must be exchanged, not tried, only in cases of actual crimes for which there is no evidence. And thirdly, Britain is negotiating the release of its citizens and will take all measures to exchange and return them - but these actions do not mean any legitimization of criminal groups. The newspaper "NV" wrote more about this.

Fake The cholera epidemic approaches Mykolaiv

Information about this is spreading on social networks. Such reports refer to the allegedly Mykolayiv City Ambulance Hospital data and the words of the chief physician of the institution. However, this is a fake. The information was refuted by the deputy chief of the Mykolaiv DMA (district military administration). He stated that the information about the probable cholera epidemic in Mykolayiv did not correspond to reality and was created to sow additional panic and make people less confident that the sanitary and epidemiological situation in Mykolayiv was under control.

Fake Booking.com and KFC advertisements insulting Ukrainian women have appeared in Munich.

Photos of KFC and Booking posters allegedly installed at Munich train station in Germany are being spread on social networks. The posters show the founder of KFC lying in bed, and the caption states, "Chickens from Ukraine are very much awaited in Germany." According to StopFake fact-checkers, photos with this "poster" were also distributed by diplomats from the Russian Federation - on Twitter, First Deputy Ambassador of Russia to the UN Dmitry Polyanskiy published one of these photos, commenting that this poster allegedly shows an objective attitude towards Ukrainians in Europe. "Russia's order Vasyl Nebenzya even referred to this" advertisement " in his speech at a meeting of the UN Security Council on combating sexual violence related to the war in Ukraine. However, the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Serhiy Kyslytsya, noted that Russian diplomats are spreading another fake. In fact, the companies whose logos are on the images have nothing to do with this provocation. At least one of these advertising posters, allegedly placed in the central hall of the train station in Munich, does not exist - the photo, which is distributed online, was processed in a photo editor. Locals also confirmed the absence of this poster in the StopFake comment.

Fake In Kharkiv, the Ukrainian military has set up weapons depots in the buildings of the road clinical hospital, and patients are being held there against their will

Such reports are spread by Russian propaganda media, citing a statement by the Russian Defense Ministry. According to the Kharkiv Anti-Corruption Center, the Russian Defense Ministry said that in Kharkiv in the buildings of the road clinical hospital (Igor Muratov Street), city hospital № 25 (Alexander Avenue), endocrinology clinic of the Institute of Endocrine Pathology (Gurevich Street) and children's clinic 23 (Metrobudivnykiv Street), soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine equipped firing points and ammunition depots. The Ministry of Defense also added that hospital staff and patients were forcibly detained to ensure their safety. However, this is not true. According to fact-checkers in the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Kharkiv City Council, there are no checkpoints, army, and terrorist defense in the medical institutions of Kharkiv.

Fake The United States has mistakenly provided Ukraine with two $ 9 million tactical nuclear missiles

In the Russian segment of social networks, they spread the fake that the United States allegedly provided Ukraine with two tactical nuclear missiles worth $ 9 million. The messages say that it happened allegedly due to a mistake made by an American Kleine Brogel Air Base employee in Belgium, "Matthew Kovalchuk," for which the Pentagon now punishes him.

According to Myth Detector, the source of the "news" was the Russian satirical publication panorama.pub. Panorama.pub warns that the news published on the resource is not true but is a "grotesque parody of reality."

Fake The Verkhovna Rada wants to reduce the conscription age to 16 years

Russian media and social media users have spread the statement of Ilya Kiva, a former People's Deputy from OPZZh, suspected of treason, that the Verkhovna Rada is allegedly ready to consider a resolution that could reduce the conscription age to 16 and allow women without children to join the army. Kiva also distributed a screenshot of the alleged ruling.

We remind that in Ukraine changes to laws are made through bills. At the same time, the number 7333 on the website of the Ukrainian Parliament registered not "Resolution on Amendments to the Law on Conscription into the Army, providing priority measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities," but the draft law "On Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine on the exemption from criminal liability martial law with voluntary compensation. " In addition, the Law on Conscription and Military Service regulates conscription issues in Ukraine. Part of the "Measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities" is in the document "On priority measures to strengthen the state's defense capabilities, increase the attractiveness of military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the gradual transition to a professional army," entitled Decree, increasing the number and strengthening the Armed Forces. The President of Ukraine signed this decree on February 1, 2022.

Fake The Ukrainian military burned the flag of the Netherlands, confusing it with the Russian

On social networks, the English-speaking audience is being spread photos of allegedly with the Ukrainian military burning the flag of the Netherlands, noting that they confused it with the flag of Russia. These posts are accompanied by cursing and ridicule of Ukrainian defenders. Apparently, this fake is intended to discredit the Ukrainian military among foreigners, encouraging them to give up their support for Ukraine and force their governments to do the same, which is highly beneficial for the Kremlin.

In fact, it's a double fake. After all, this video was shot in 2016, not after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. In the video entitled "Appeal of Azov fighters to the Netherlands regarding the referendum on the Ukraine-EU association," fighters in black balaclavas purposefully burn the flag of the Netherlands. They also threaten the citizens of the Netherlands with terrorist attacks if they do not support the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in a local referendum.

This fake is double because "Azov" has nothing to do with this video. On the eve of the referendum in the Netherlands in 2016, it was distributed by Russian propaganda resources linked to the newly created site. The purpose of this fake was to damage Ukraine's international reputation. Representatives of Azov then denied the involvement of their fighters in the video. At first glance, it is immediately apparent that these cannot be Azov fighters, they have no symbol, and the uniform and shoes are not the ones worn by our soldiers. But the funniest thing in this video is the airsoft weapon these actors held, " said Andriy Dyachenko, then deputy commander of the Azov.

Fake Colonel of the Polish Army Dariusz Maichzak is fighting in Ukraine; his documents were found in Severodonetsk

 The Russian media and social networks spread a fake that Polish Army Colonel Dariusz Majchrzak is allegedly fighting on the side of Ukraine, claiming that this is confirmed by "documents" for a KIA Sorento named Dariusz Majchrzak, which the Russian military found in Sievierodonetsk. This fake promote the narrative that "Russia is at war with NATO in Ukraine." StopFake reported that Dariusz Majchrzak is indeed a colonel in the Polish army. However, he did not participate in any hostilities on the territory of Ukraine and is currently in Poland. In particular, on June 6, Majchrzhak participated in a public event at the Academy of Martial Arts, where he works. The Academy also noted that the found "documents" for the car generally belong to another person, as evidenced by the identification number (PESEL). 

Fake Those Mariupol residents who remain in the city are criminals, so they will be detained by Ukrainian law enforcement officers while trying to cross the checkpoint in Ukraine

Such messages are spread on social networks and state that people captured in the temporarily occupied territory will be recognized as criminals in Ukraine. So that they will be detained at checkpoints immediately; however, it is a lie. As Mariupol Mayor's Adviser Petro Andryushchenko explains, Mariupol residents are citizens of Ukraine and are not prosecuted. "We are fighting every day for a general evacuation for all Mariupol residents. And our big house in Ukraine is waiting for everyone with gentle hugs. In addition, four municipal centers, "YaMariupol," are already working separately for each Mariupol resident to provide the full range of assistance and adaptation during the temporary evacuation, "Andryushchenko wrote. Russia needs such fakes to shake up the situation in the city further and convince Mariupol residents not even to try to evacuate to the unoccupied part of Ukraine.

Fake Andrzej Duda donates several thousand zlotys to Ukrainians

  Such information is spread in the Volhynia segment of Facebook. In messages, Polish President Andrzej Duda allegedly distributed several thousand zlotys as a gift to Ukrainians. It is reported that the amount of payments varies and allegedly depends on the month of birth. However, this is a fake. According to the fact-checkers of the Brekhunets project, the text says that you need to choose your month of birth and get a gift corresponding to the month of birth. "You need to do it confidently. The money is charged in zlotys. The highest pay is for those born in May and September - PLN 9,600, and the lowest in March - PLN 6,800. There is also an additional post to the post in which I express my sincere gratitude to the President of Poland and all Poles for their support! And added four photos depicting Andrzej Duda, bundles of money, and many packages with "gifts." In fact, the President of Poland does not give money to Ukrainians depending on the month of birth. Duda's Facebook page is fake. Even his name was misspelled. In the fake post - ANDRZEJJ, in fact correctly in Polish - ANDRZEJ. She has only 1,896 likes and two posts. And in the sphere of activity, the "Real Estate Agent" is mentioned, " the fact-checkers write. 

Fake All money from Mariupol cards for social benefits will be directed to the Armed Forces

  Information about this is spreading on social networks. Allegedly, all pensions and social benefits received or stored on the bank cards of Mariupol will be directed in favor of the Armed Forces if they are not urgently withdrawn from the accounts. However, this is a fake. According to Mariupol Mayor's Adviser Petro Andryushchenko, all money in the bank accounts of Ukrainian citizens is kept and not transferred without their consent, either to the Armed Forces or anywhere else. "The property right of Ukrainians is unconditional and protected by the state. The purpose of the fake is to form anti-Ukrainian sentiments, encourage Mariupol residents to refuse to evacuate, and provoke the use of conversion centers run by the occupation administration, ” Andryushchenko wrote. 

Fake For three years, Mariupol has been preparing for provocations with chemical weapons by the Ukrainian army

The Russian media spread this information. Reports claim that in Mariupol in 2019, they were allegedly preparing for a Ukrainian provocation using chemical weapons. Such texts refer to the correspondent of the Russian newspaper Izvestia, who found training plans for protection against chemical weapons on the abandoned base of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Mariupol. According to VoxCheck, the program of training seems to have survived from 2019; the Izvestia story shows several of its pages and quotes the representative of the so-called "People's Militia of the DNR" Eduard Basurin, that in 2019 the United States actively imported various weapons to Ukraine, among others - chemical preparation. However, the fact that the ICRC staff was trained on behaving in conditions of chemical danger does not prove that Mariupol was preparing for a chemical attack. "The ICRC is present in many countries affected by armed conflict, so it is justified that the organization prepares its employees to work in emergencies, including chemical attacks. The ICRC conducts similar information activities in all countries with offices and where armed conflicts continue. The ICRC website in Ukraine states that the organization, among other things, does have offices in Sievierodonetsk and Mariupol (as well as in Kyiv, Slovyansk, Donetsk, Luhansk, and Odesa), ” the fact-checkers write.

Fake The occupiers manage the Kherson budget so that Kherson entrepreneurs can pay taxes only to the occupiers

Such information was disseminated on social networks during May. In particular, such messages were published by Kherson activist Viktor Totsky, the lead of the housing cooperative, candidate for Kherson City Council in 2020, and candidate for People's Deputies in 2019. The messages claim that the occupiers control the Kherson budget, and private individuals must pay taxes to them. However, this is not true. According to the fact-checking project Bez Brekhni, if the Kherson business can and wants to pay taxes and contributions, it may well do so on the accounts published by the State Tax Service. In addition, the Kherson budget is fully controlled by the legitimate city authorities - the executive committee of the Kherson City Council. "Relevant expenditures in the form of salaries, contributions, etc., are carried out regularly, but if there are funds in the budget. A significant problem is a lack of funds in the Kherson budget due to reduced revenues (this is due to the occupation). However, still, it is completely under the control of the Ukrainian authorities, "the fact-checkers write.