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Fake Ukrposhta allegedly issued stamps with Russian prisoners of war and the inscription ‘On your knees before Ukraine!’

Russian resources disseminated information that Ukrposhta allegedly presented a stamp called ‘On your knees before Ukraine!’ depicting Russian prisoners of war in the Kursk region. As evidence, the propagandists cited a corresponding screenshot from the company’s page on the X social network.

In fact, Ukrposhta did not issue stamps about the Kursk operation, they wrote in the StopFake project. In the original post on social network X, the company’s SMM manager asks: “Yes, who did this?”, thereby making it clear that they did not create such a brand. In the Ukrainian information space, the Ukrposhta publication was perceived as a joke (since it was one), but Russian propagandists took this message seriously.

There is no such product in the “Wartime Postage Stamps” section on the Ukrposhta website. Alternatively, it could be a fake created in a photo editor. Or someone who actually ordered such a stamp using the “Own Stamp” service, which allows you to order postal products - stamps, envelopes, postcards with your own design for personal use.

Recently, a similar situation occurred with a stamp dedicated to Iryna Farion, who was killed on July 19, 2024. A number of Russian and Ukrainian media spread the news about the release of such a stamp, but later representatives of Ukrposhta clarified that the products were ordered by the relatives of the deceased as part of the ‘Own Brand’ project.

Previously, we analyzed a fake, they say, Ukrposhta issued a stamp with a veteran of the Waffen SS Galicia division Yaroslav Hunko.

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