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Русскій фейк, іді на***!

Message The war in Ukraine started because of the ban on the Russian language

On October 21, Russian propagandists began spreading such information via Telegram. The reason was the interview of Oleksiy Danilov, secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), during the political talk show "Hovoryt Velykyy Lviv" on the "NTA" TV channel. He allegedly said that the Russian language should completely disappear in Ukraine. Propagandists promote the idea that it was the ban on the Russian language in Ukraine that caused the war. Now they will allegedly rewrite and ban all history, culture, and customs in South and East Ukraine. Instead, they will impose an ideology acceptable only in the West of Ukraine. Propagandists took Danilov's words out of context and misinterpreted them.

Danilov said: "The Russian language must disappear from our territory altogether as an element of hostile propaganda and brainwashing of our population... English is mandatory, and our native language is mandatory. And it is hazardous to plant these Russian narratives here."

It is not the first year that Russian propagandists have used the "language issue" and "discrimination against Russian speakers" to artificially incite enmity between Ukrainians and divide Ukrainians by place of residence.

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale war in Ukraine, propagandists have regularly pushed the message that the Russian army is protecting Russian-speaking Ukrainians; otherwise, Ukrainians would be punished for communicating in Russian. Earlier, propagandists spread fakes that the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine plans to remove Russian literature from libraries. Propagandists also spread fakes that a woman was tied to a pole in Dnipro for speaking Russian.

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