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Fake The Ukrainian Defense Forces announced the fundraising for the car, and then put it up for sale

Information was disseminated on social networks, in particular, on telegram channels broadcasting pro-Kremlin rhetoric. The reports say that the AFU fighters announced a fee for the car, and then resold it. They explain that one of the teachers, who was mobilized to  the Armed Forces of Ukraine, just started the fundraising. And then he allegedly posted a photo of the car on a sales website. A screenshot of the car on the site is added to the publications. It's a lie.

The case was processed by VoxCheck fact-checkers, who found out that the military man reported that the car was purchased with volunteer funds and subsequently it was not put up for sale. It is the school teacher Ruslan Koliak, who announced the fundraising. On his pages on social networks, in particular on Facebook, he published a post with the collection. Analysts add that this page is real and genuine. Because they have captured a lot of educational and entertaining content from the publications. Subsequently, the teacher reported on the purchased car in subsequent publications. The fighter managed to collect money for a Mitsubishi Outlander car. Experts checked whether this car is for sale on Ukrainian sites. It turned out that there are no advertisements on the websites for the sale of a Mitsubishi Outlander car of exactly the same color as the car bought by Ruslan Koliak. That is, the authors simply came up with a situation with the “resale” of the car.

Rhetoric about the misuse of humanitarian aid is beneficial to the Kremlin in order to fuel distrust of the Ukrainian military. Like, there is no point in helping if the Ukrainian Defense Forces allow the theft of resources. By the way, read similar cases on the topic: In Ukraine, they allegedly resell Japanese tactical first aid kits for humanitarian aid. Or, Ukrainian military equipment was sold on the Polish car market. Also, check out the fake, which claimed that the protesters in France used weapons that were previously handed over to the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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