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Fake The bodies of the dead Ukrainian soldiers will be "disassembled into organs" according to the will

Another fake within the framework of the Russian propaganda narrative about "black transplant specialists in Donbas". This time, anonymous Telegram channels associated with the Russian GRU spread a new fake. Apparently, changes in the legislation, which allows commanders of units to certify the wills of soldiers, were lobbied by "black transplant specialists". A "resident" writes that there will be an annex to all wills, in which it will be indicated that the soldier is leaving the state authorities or science, and it will read "a check for each soldier's body - a million dollars."

This is an outright lie. In Ukraine, it is possible to become an organ donor after death, but in case of the following actions: download the template on the website of the Verkhovna Rada. Fill it in and have it notarized - and hand over the application of consent to the transplant coordinator. Commanders were allowed to certify only wills, not any other documents - so it is even theoretically impossible to become an organ donor right in the trenches. As for the very procedure of harvesting organs during the war, this fake has also been repeatedly refuted: it is a complex procedure that requires several specialists, specific equipment, and is limited in time. So transplant specialists do not go to war zones to find an organ.

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