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Message Russia has the right to "punish Nazis everywhere"

Such a message is distributed in Telegram channels. Like, Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter allowed Russia to attack Ukraine. Allegedly, these articles give the "victors" of World War II the right to take action against "hostile countries". To do this, they need to communicate their plans to other "winners", but it is not necessary to obtain their consent.

The German fact-checkers of the Correctiv project drew attention to the spread of the message. They note that the UN Charter allows the use of weapons only in case of defense or with the consent of the Security Council. Telegram channels distorted the content of the UN Charter. Articles 106 and 107 state that the parties to the Declaration must cooperate in the preservation of peace and on measures taken in "hostile countries''. However, "parties" refers to those countries that signed the founding document, and not just the "winning countries". Also, the UN Committee back in 1995 proposed to exclude the so-called “hostile state” provisions from the charter since they are outdated. Now there are no hostile states in the meaning that was laid down after the Second World War, in particular, Germany and Japan are members of the UN.

Russia constantly manipulates the historical context and victory in World War II, forgetting about the contribution of other states. Russian propaganda also systematically accuses Ukraine and other states of Nazism. Previously, Russia tried to justify the invasion of Ukraine under the guise of Article 51 of the UN Charter.

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