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Message Pro-Russian Telegram channel writes that Yermak seeks to escalate the war

Pro-Russian sources claim that the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andrii Yermak believes that the main task for Ukraine is to draw NATO into a direct confrontation with Russia. According to propagandists, this is what will allow Ukraine to join the Alliance and win the war. There seem to be no alternative scenarios - reserves and equipment are at critical levels, Ukraine cannot withstand a protracted war, which means “we need to look for formats for escalating the war and provoking the Kremlin”. 

In fact, the Ukrainian military-political leadership, on the contrary, is striving to end the war, and on fair terms for the country. This is written by the Center for Countering Disinformation. Ukraine does not intend to involve NATO in a direct conflict with Russia, but the Ukrainian government asks for comprehensive support for the country so that it can continue to repel Russian aggression and, finally, defeat the terrorist country.

With such messages, Russia accuses the Ukrainian authorities of escalating the war. Propagandists also appeal to the “critical amount of reserves and equipment”, “Ukraine's inability to fight continued”, but international partners continue to provide military and financial assistance to the Ukrainian state, and thanks to the Kursk operation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the theater of military operations has moved to Russian territory. Accordingly, it may be unprofitable for the Kremlin itself to continue this groundless war, which is why they are looking for ways to end it on unfavorable and disadvantageous terms for Ukraine.

Previously, we analyzed the Russian disinformation message that Kyiv wants to provoke the Kremlin into attacking with tactical nuclear weapons.

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