Disclosure On the Telegram began a phishing attack: "There is information about you too"
Ukrainians started receiving pirated messages in Telegram, which users shouldn't open in any way.
The messages refer to a bot that allegedly finds hidden data and photos of people: "There is information about you too. See by yourself." If you follow the link, there will be another link, and the account will be hacked, after which a message about the bot will be sent on behalf of the user to five of his friends.
As fact-checkers from "NotaYenota" noted, phishing attacks were widespread on Facebook during the New Year holidays, when users receiving messages from friends "Tse ty na video" massively followed the specified link and became victims.

Phishing is a type of cyber fraud. The purpose of phishing is to gain access to your logins, passwords, bank cards, and other confidential information by deception. If such actions are aimed at many users (of a specific institution, for example, a bank or country), then such actions are called phishing attacks. Phishing messages are aimed at emotions because the weakest link in the system is a person.