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Fake Lies that Ukraine has allegedly banned the combination of blue, red and white colors

Anonymous Telegram channels are spreading a photo of a school board with an announcement supposedly banning the combination of blue, red and white, as they make up the Russian flag. The photo states that violators will pay a fine.

But this is a fake announcement. No such order exists. Moreover, only Russian and pro-Russian sources are spreading this fake. There is no such news on official government pages, school resources or reliable media outlets.

The announcement states a ban on the use of these colors in drawings, clothing and stationery. However, there are many mistakes in the text:

— they wrote “connection”, although initially they used the correct phrase “combination of colors”;

— “in one origination” — most likely an incorrect derivation from the Russian phrase “in one composition”;

— the phrase “money funds” is incorrect in Ukrainian. Money and funds are synonyms and are not used together. This is an incorrect derivation from a Russian phrase.

Real official orders would not contain so many mistakes.

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