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Message In Kryvyi Rih, Russians were taken to the Aurora Hotel because “foreign mercenaries” were stationed there

On August 26, 2024, Russian troops launched a missile attack on the Aurora Hotel in Kryvyi Rih, killing four people and wounding five more. After that, anonymous Telegram channels began to claim that this was not a civilian facility, but a deployment site for soldiers from the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. As proof, the propagandists added a screenshot of a Facebook message from Polish volunteer Aneta Rabushko-Borkowska, who allegedly spoke about the “destruction of Polish soldiers”.

However, there is no such publication on the Polish volunteer's Facebook page. Propagandists compiled this screenshot and invented the content of the publication. In a comment to Ukrinform, Anet denied writing a post about the “destruction of Polish soldiers” in the Kryvyi Rih hotel. All the information was simply made up.

Russia is trying to hide its criminal actions against peaceful Ukrainians and finds an excuse that shelling military facilities is the norm for war. However, Ukrainian cities are suffering from Russian missiles and drones. That is, the authors are trying to deny their own shelling and hits on civilian infrastructure. They distort reality and convince in their “truth”. And they claim: wherever they hit, there were definitely soldiers there. However, the authors do not provide any facts.

At the same time, Russian propaganda substitutes the concept and calls the foreign legion mercenaries. The foreign legion is legally part of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the exact number of its participants is not reported, as are all other fighters. Accordingly, Russian propaganda wants to downplay the importance of the Ukrainian army, contrasting it with the so-called “mercenaries”, of whom there are supposedly more on the battlefield. At the same time, Moscow equates “mercenaries” with criminals in the context of Ukraine. However, mercenaries are indeed fighting on the Russian side, for example, the Wagner group representatives.

Propagandists claimed that soldiers from EU countries fought on the territory of Ukraine even before the full-scale invasion or that the number of foreigners in the Ukrainian army will soon exceed 50%. Thus, Russian propaganda wants to create the appearance that in reality it is not fighting with Ukraine, but with the so-called “collective West”.

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