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Disclosure How Lavrov is trying to discredit the Ukrainian formula for peace in the world

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov, in an interview with a Bosnian TV channel, made a number of propaganda statements to discredit the Ukrainian peace formula in the international arena. The Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council writes about this.

In particular, Lavrov believes that the West is allegedly lying, claiming that the Russian Federation refuses negotiations, because “the Russian Federation is actually open to negotiations based on realities”. He also stated that “Ukraine and the West are not ready for a serious conversation about peace”, and “The peace formula is an ultimatum to the Russian Federation” and “an absolutely dead-end format”. Russia itself will not participate in any measures promoting the Ukrainian peace formula, noted the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

With such contradictory statements, the Russian Federation is trying to mislead the world community. Speaking about the supposed readiness for peace, the Russian Federation is only trying to relieve itself of responsibility for the war. The Kremlin sees a threat in the promotion of the Ukrainian peace formula, so on the eve of the Swiss summit, information attacks intensified, the Center adds. The ultimate goal of this campaign is to ensure that the World Formula is supported by as few countries as possible.

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