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Message French journalists allegedly found out that the crimes committed by Russians were actually committed by Ukrainians

Former adviser to the US Secretary of Defense Douglas MacGregor made a statement that allegedly French journalists conducted an investigation and received testimony from eyewitnesses who claimed that there were no Russians in the Ukrainian cities where mass killings were recorded. According to him, Ukrainians killed their fellow citizens to create the impression that these were crimes of Russian troops. This is written by the Center for Countering Disinformation.

However, this statement is baseless and contradicts the findings of numerous international investigations that have confirmed Russian war crimes in cities such as Bucha, Izium, Mariupol and others. Russian troops are responsible for mass killings of civilians, which has been documented by various human rights organizations and journalists. Such fake news is spread in order to whitewash Russia's reputation and discredit Ukraine.

Russian propaganda seeks to shift the blame for war crimes onto Ukraine itself, diverting attention from the real facts and documented evidence of Russian military atrocities. The purpose of spreading such claims is to encourage foreign audiences to question the objectivity of international investigations and accusations against Russia in order to ease pressure on it from the international community. Through such fakes, pro-Russian narratives attempt to discredit the Ukrainian army and leadership, creating the false impression that Ukraine is allegedly committing crimes against its own people, which could reduce support from Western countries. This type of disinformation is part of a broader Russian hybrid warfare campaign, where propaganda messages are used to undermine trust in Ukrainian institutions and attempt to raise doubts about international support for Ukraine. Russia systematically attempts to create a parallel information space where the events of the war are distorted in order to legitimize its own actions and justify aggression.

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