Spilnota Detector Media
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Disclosure Fraudsters distribute a fake chatbot of the state platform "Diia" in the network.

The fraudsters' messages say that allegedly at the link everyone officially working has the opportunity to receive monetary support from the state in the amount of 3000 hryvnias. According to the fact-checkers of "Stop Fake Dnipro" project, the link opens "Privatbank" page, where you have to indicate your card number and CCV code.From what data you enter, we can conclude that the project is fraudulent, which aims to steal money from the cards of people who will register using the link "Neither "Diia", nor Ministry of Digital Transformation send any SMS or messages in social networks. The crediting of funds is reported by the "Action" app and push notification bank, which contains only text - no links," the fact checkers said in a statement.

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