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Message Foreigners are allegedly moving to Russia en masse

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mariia Zakharova said that thousands of citizens from NATO countries are allegedly storming Russian diplomatic missions, trying to save their families and children from Western governments. She explains this as a consequence of the “liberal idea”, which allegedly erases the boundaries between good and evil, leading to the rejection of “traditional values” and causing a deep crisis in Western society. However, this statement is just another manifestation of Russian propaganda, which seeks to create the illusion that Russia is a defender of “true” values in the fight against the supposedly degraded West.

This was noted by specialists from the Center for Strategic Communications and Information Security. They note that this rhetoric is one of the key elements of the ideology of Russia-ism, which is trying to present Russia as the last fortress of morality and justice in the world.

The facts show otherwise. There are very few cases of Western citizens moving to Russia, and most of them have a criminal or other questionable background. For example, Russian media actively spread the story of an “American from Boston” named Wilmer Puello-Mota, who allegedly moved to Russia and even participated in a so-called “special military operation”. Although Puello-Mota does exist, the propaganda conceals the fact that he fled to Russia due to criminal prosecution in the United States. He is suspected of possessing child pornography and other crimes, so his case is not an example of “fleeing liberalism”, but just another manipulation by Russian media.

The purpose of spreading such stories is to discredit the West and to support the idea that only in Russia can one find a real refuge from the “decay” and “immorality” that propaganda attributes to other countries. This is part of a broader strategy to increase anti-Western sentiment both in Russia and among its international allies.

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